Example sentences of "occur at the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Like Hutton in bygone times , Stewart seemed galvanised by the disasters occurring at the other end , but was never either intimidated into strokelessness or tempted into a reckless rescue bid , for such an endeavour against this bowling would have been futile .
2 Changes in proposed greenbelt boundaries affecting a given area , and occurring at the consultative draft stage of local plans and or pre-map stage and the formal deposit of those plans , and or between the deposit copies and proposals subsequently issued by county and local planning authorities by way of desired changes to deposit copies , militate against , and may totally inhibit in relation to that area , emergence within the meaning of the national doctrine most recently propagated in paragraph er within erm paragraph thirty two of the revised version of P P G number One .
3 It is important to realize then that our symptoms , produced in response to stress , are not solely based upon the stress occurring at the given time , but upon all the stress accumulated in our stress glass over time .
4 This is occurring at the same time as the Commission is using the single market as an excuse to augment its power for political means .
5 Frequently it is found that an accident is the result of a combination of adverse circumstances , each of which is normally containable but when occurring at the same time can lead to disaster .
6 In saying that an event c caused an event e , or that e was the effect of c , we typically have in mind but do not say that a set of things including c , but not necessarily all occurring at the same time , was required for e .
7 It is ironic that this prohibition occurred at the same time as several well-designed research studies were clearly demonstrating the efficacy of ECT .
8 Parallel procedural changes occurred at the same time in the Senate , but other factors were at work there too .
9 Another interpretation is that metamorphism occurred at the same time , or post-dated thrusting , and that the frictional heating produced during thrusting contributed to the partial melting of the crust and the intrusion of granitic rocks .
10 One further return to Carolingian precedent occurred at the very end of Louis VII 's reign , when coinage from the king 's mints and bearing his image began to circulate outside the royal demesne for the first time since the late ninth century .
11 The most serious of the disorders occurred at the Broadwater Farm Estate , in Tottenham , London .
12 This occurred at the main dispensing chemist in Wirral 's largest township :
13 For most motors the static torque/rotor position characteristic exhibits a rapidly diminishing return in terms of torque produced as the phase current approaches its rated value [ see Fig. 3.1(a) ] , indicating that magnetic saturation or the stator and rotor teeth occurs at the higher currents .
14 The deposit occurs at the sheared contact of a shallow dipping felsite dyke ( ‘ elvan ’ ) and killas ( Devonian metasediments ) .
15 A section through Draycott cave is shown in Fig. 4.2 , and the main concentration of amphibian bones occurs at the deepest part of the entrance chamber of the cave where it seems to be permanently wet .
16 Cell numbers are easily counted up until compaction occurs at the 8-cell stage when cell outlines become obscure .
17 Yet it is this policy making , often particularly that which occurs at the highest level , that receives very much more attention .
18 In this way , the polyps synchronise the release of their sexual cells so precisely that the event occurs at the same hour on a particular night each year , turning the sea into a multi-coloured reproductive soup .
19 Erm there 's a sense in which y'know kind of when I go to concerts erm there 's y'know kind of there 's loads of blokes who take their shirts off and er wrestle around together and build human pyramids and do all that kind of , lots of body contact , lots of grasping one-another and all that kind of thing and yet erm y'know presumably to them , on the assumption that they 're heterosexual , as I assume probably they are , it 's it 's one of these things that erm y'know is kind of again maybe it even occurs at the same time as they 're quite homophobic in some cases .
20 In contrast , discrimination against black students occurs at the initial entry stage into the labour market .
21 Such local compensation , however , can not occur at the small scale because the lithosphere has a finite strength and so changes in load result in regional isostatic adjustments over a greater area than that actually affected by the change in load ( Fig. 4.7(B) ) .
22 Modifications that can occur at the various formation stages are shown on the right .
23 This may occur at the exposed soil surface as raindrops selectively erode fine clay particles , leaving heavier sand particles : with time this process can affect deeper parts of the soil profile , impairing its water-retaining capacity to such an extent that even after agriculture has been abandoned the forest may be unable to recolonise .
24 For the system to obey the rules of autopoiesis , the reaction must occur at the appropriate location at the interface between the structures and the medium .
25 The corresponding component oscillations of the wave would be , as the physicists say , " in phase " , that is the crests and troughs would occur at the same instants for both components .
26 Furthermore , loss of a spouse may occur at the same time as other bereavements .
27 The sequence was still largely without dates , and more importantly , the development from one broad technological phase to another did not occur at the same time everywhere .
28 In this connection s 28 of the SGA should be noted ; unless otherwise agreed delivery of the goods and payment of the price are concurrent conditions , and must therefore occur at the same time .
29 We would suggest that an altered metabolism ( possibly related to gut transit time ) may occur at the large polyp or cancer stage .
30 Since 1947 breeding has also occurred at the following sites : Itchenor , up to 18 nests from 1946 to 1951 ; Chichester gravel pits , one nest in 1960 ; Fynings Moor , Rogate , two nests in 1963 and 1964 ; Beauport Park , Hastings , four or five nests in 1950 ; Great Park Wood , Udimore ( one of the original sites of the present Leasam colony ) , irregularly occupied until 1960 by up to nine pairs ; Nuthurst , a pair in 1973 ; Knepp , eight pairs in 1976 Buxted Park , one pair in 1976 .
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