Example sentences of "occur [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 โ€˜ This genuine shortage is occurring for the first time ever .
2 It views the connection between culture and job regulation as occurring through the shaping influence of culture upon the attitudinal characteristics of the actors and , therefore , on their behaviour .
3 Although polarization may include an element of newcomers-versus-locals , it is based essentially on social class , with the division occurring between the working class and the middle class .
4 The provision of permanent waters led everywhere to overgrazing and consequent soil erosion , and veterinary quarantine regulations which interfered with the free movement of cattle both within and into and out of the reserves almost certainly contributed to the spread of tsetse fly which occurred during the colonial period .
5 Also shown are photographs of some of the more notable news happenings that occurred during the first half of the present century .
6 Unfortunately heavy losses occurred during the First World War with all four being sunk .
7 Ths implies that an ancestral duplication event occurred during the recent evolution of the chromosome which encompassed a ZNF gene cluster in a region of at least several tens of kb .
8 Wrigley and Schofield have shown that between 1650โ€“99 and 1800โ€“49 the age at first marriage for women fell by 3ยท1 years ; most of the fall occurred during the second half of the eighteenth century and it was most apparent in industrial communities .
9 Robinson and Robinson showed that a shift from listener-blaming to speaker-blaming , and a consequent recognition of the role of the message in referential communication , occurred during the early school years .
10 In Latin America this occurred during the great wave of nationalizations which took place after the Second World War and involved dislocation from which some of the railways have never recovered .
11 The changes in the constellation of European powers which occurred during the eighteenth century had an indirect bearing on the destiny of the South Slav peoples .
12 In the preamble to the final version of the Declaration released by Egyptian officials , contracting parties reaffirmed their " rejection of the aggressive course and alignment that occurred during the Iraqi aggression and occupation of the state of Kuwait " and recognized that it had " destroyed many of the concepts and achievements of joint Arab action " .
13 In conclusion , it is clear that from this examination of the state of weaponry and warfare throughout the reign of Barbarossa , and given that he lived to the age of 70 , he must have experienced many of the gradual changes and improvements in arms and armour that occurred during the twelfth century .
14 The first one occurred during the German counter-offensive in the Ardennes at the end of 1944 , when Eisenhower ordered preparations for the evacuation of Strasbourg , which had only just been liberated by Leclerc 's Armoured Division .
15 The nadir pressures of the first transient UOS relaxations that occurred during the common cavity episodes differed significantly from the first transient UOS relaxations that occurred before the common cavity ( p<0.05 ) .
16 The statutory recognition of auditors ' resignation occurred for the first time in the Companies Act 1976 , prior to which resignation would have constituted a de facto breach of contract .
17 3 to carry out preparatory procedures in order to minimize the risk of mistakes or complications occurring during the peri-operative period .
18 Elsewhere , tensions occurred between the voluntary sector and local government ( Green , 1978 ; Liverpool CVS , 1978 ) .
19 Intrasentential candidates occurring after the current anaphor .
20 And , his answer to that , is that psychoanalysis can give us a very interesting and unique insight into , into religion , and this was an insight which had emerged in the course of , the nineteen twenties , following the developments of psychoanalysis that occurred after the First World War , which we 've already looked at and is essentially the concept of transference .
21 These did not result from the Pleistocene glaciation ( in fact none of the ice ages of the past appear to have coincided with mass extinctions ) , but all occurred after the final retreat of the ice .
22 Officials argue that the rise in the yen , so far , is nothing like as steep as the near doubling of the currency which occurred after the 1985 Plaza Accord .
23 Unwittingly , Howard appears to accept that Labour 's growth was inexorable , within the context of the times , for he argues that it occurred despite the poor level of party organization throughout the country .
24 On the other hand , it is argued in { 10 } that , if we look only at parameter values reasonably far from the critical value , it will usually be the case that the cumulative effect of the whole sequence of complicated bifurcations occurring near the critical parameter value is just to add a single symmetric periodic orbit to the system .
25 Not everyone was reconciled to the breach in the succession that occurred with the Glorious Revolution .
26 There will not be the same winding down that occurred with the old rating system .
27 Moreover , we may point out that even if corresponding attributive and predicative adjectives ( occurring with the same noun ) could be relied on to share the same referential locus , that would be no justification for leaping to an assertion that the two elements are actually " the same " tout court , and even less for claiming that the structural positions they occupy are alternative forms of each other .
28 That state of affairs never occurred under the previous system .
29 Of course , public recognition of the need to introduce a smog alert system may increase awareness that air pollution problems are very serious and that stricter long-term pollution control policies are needed to prevent smogs occurring in the first instance .
30 The deception , trick or ruse that forms the one essential element in the interaction of the fabliau characters is most frequently an impromptu action , very commonly occurring in the first instance as an example of a native cunning attributed to women , an ingenuity in lying and deceit that women have .
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