Example sentences of "fail [to-vb] the [noun] or " in BNC.

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1 Between 1980 and 1982 twenty-seven councils were said by the Secretary of State to be either failing to implement the Act or employing tactics of delay .
2 Mr Macdonald , his fellow Labour MP Norman Godman , and the Liberal Democrat MPs Ray Michie and Jim Wallace , have been condemned by shellfish growers for failing to understand the orders or their impact .
3 It is very rare for young people recruited on that basis to be sacked if they subsequently fail to pass the exam or gain a certain grade .
4 It 's extraordinary how many businesses man their front lines with speaking voices that fail to give the customer or client any sense of status ( see Chapter Nine ) .
5 Continue rolling for damage until you fail to slay the target or run out of ranks , deducting -1 from the strength for each rank already pierced .
6 Continue rolling for damage until you fail to slay the target or run out of ranks .
7 Students who fail to return the form or who are deemed ineligible by the Board will be responsible for the payment of their fees .
8 Supporters who buy season tickets before August 15 will be handed free passes for the following season if the Seasiders fail to make the play-offs or gain automatic promotion .
9 5.18.1 If the Tenant shall fail to pay the rents or any other sum due under this Lease [ within [ 14 ] days of the date due ] whether formally demanded or not the Tenant shall pay to the Landlord Interest on the rents or other sum from the date when they were due to the date on which they are paid [ and such Interest shall be deemed to be rents due to the Landlord ]
10 But it was also clear that the governmental machine had failed to revive the economy or reform social institutions in the 1950s .
11 CAP has so far failed to tackle the disadvantages or to help to secure the benefits of the few comparative advantages of the DRAs .
12 If an unreasonable time has elapsed and the husband refuses or fails to execute the conveyance or transfer , application can be made to the court ( see Chapter 8 ) .
13 Example 3:1 Limitation on liability of original tenant ( 1 ) in this clause " the original tenant " means the said … only and this clause applies to any period after the term hereby granted ceases to be vested in the original tenant ( 2 ) if and so often as the tenant fails to pay the rent or any other sum properly due under this lease or commits any breach of covenant known to the landlord then the landlord shall forthwith notify the original tenant of that fact ( 3 ) the landlord shall not be entitled to recover from the original tenant any arrears of rent or other sums payable under this lease where the rent or other sums claimed became due earlier than three months before the original tenant was notified under sub-clause ( 2 ) above ( 4 ) the original tenant shall not be liable for any arrears of rent or other sum falling due after the date upon which this lease is expressed to expire or any breach of covenant committed after that date Example 3:2 Limitation on liability of tenant ( 1 ) In this clause ( a ) " the original tenant " means only ( b ) " the original assignee " means a person to whom the original tenant lawfully assigns this lease ( 2 ) upon a lawful assignment of this lease by the original tenant the original tenant ( a ) shall be released from further personal liability for any breach of any of the tenant 's obligations under this lease occurring after the date of the assignment but ( b ) shall guarantee performance by the original assignee of those obligations until the expiry or other determination of the term or ( if sooner ) a lawful assignment of this lease by the original assignee Example 3:3 Restriction on landlord 's ability to sue original tenant at any time after the lawful assignment of this lease by [ name of original tenant ] the landlord shall not be entitled to enforce against him the tenant 's obligations under this lease unless the landlord shall have first ( 1 ) recovered judgment against all other persons against whom the landlord is or has become entitled to enforce those obligations either as principal or surety and ( 2 ) attempted to levy excution upon such judgment and upon payment by [ name of original tenant ] of any sum due under such judgment the landlord shall assign to him the benefit of it Example 3:4 Definition clause making tenant liable for rent during holding over period " the term " includes not only the term expressed to be granted by this lease but also any period after the date on which the term is expressed to expire during which the tenancy continues under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 Example 3:5 Clause making the tenant liable to pay rent and interim rent promptly to pay the rent reserved by this lease without any deduction or set-off and any rent substituted for it either as a result of a rent review under this lease or the agreement or determination of a rent payable by virtue of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s24A
14 Having failed to deter the murderer or rapist , these dogs are often eager for a second bite of the cherry .
15 Nevertheless , some States either failed to enact the programmes or , more commonly , were less active than others ; the recalcitrant ones have largely been in the South .
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