Example sentences of "seek out the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She knows the kinds of places she likes to work , sleep and eat in , and will instinctively seek out the right type of office , hotel , or restaurant .
2 Once this is accepted we can seek out the logical consistencies in contextual use which constitute ‘ structural principles ’ and which make sense of otherwise apparently baffling practices and beliefs .
3 One of the major concerns is to ensure security ( as far as possible ) and quality of service , rather than simply seek out the highest interest rate or the lowest charges on offer .
4 Do n't be concerned with the feeling that nothing is " sinking in " but do try and seek out the main points .
5 Instead of having the children go through the small group work suggested above , the teacher remains in role as the Pied Piper and the children are asked to elect two or three representatives who will seek out the Pied Piper and try to bargain with him/her .
6 You 'd be better off spending time seeking out the great women of your own day , young man ; turn off that radio .
7 This is the best time of the year for seeking out the Great Bear , though from most of Australia and South Africa it is always very low , and from Sydney or the Cape only part of it rises .
8 His hands stroked her , seeking out the rounded curve of hip and thigh , and her breath came raggedly , the beat of her pulse quickening with the increased urgency of his caresses .
9 If you are avoiding fried food , it follows that you should be seeking out the best methods of cooking noted on the menu .
10 The identification of the farm worker with his fellow villagers was reinforced by this , and even local farmers , who also had an interest in securing skilled labour and ensuring that the farm ran as smoothly as possible , contributed to the process by seeking out the best workers according to their reputation in the locality .
11 Such embankments are often transitory structures , but sand martins , among the first of our summer migrants to return , are adept at seeking out the new season 's workings .
12 Each cubicle was a treacherous no man 's land , now braved by only a few passengers seeking out the dozing heat of the restaurant car which , nearing the end of its journey , had little to offer .
13 The festive period this year is a good time for seeking out the various shapes or figures in the Moon , for its phase grows ( waxes ) from first quarter on 23 December to full on 30 December .
14 Meredith whose walking shoes , though practical enough for most surfaces , were not really adequate for squelching through boggy terrain , made her way along behind her as best she could , seeking out the firmer spots .
15 Nor could you just shut your eyes and throw them down the hatch ; because the whole pleasure of a chicken 's foot would come from sucking and nibbling it slowly , seeking out the tasty skin and the fragments of flesh like the last moments of a particularly luscious spare rib .
16 He drew her against him , his lips seeking out the smooth plane of her cheek , the full , ripe curve of her mouth .
17 While Pottz tacked to and fro energetically seeking out the elusive peak , Richie dropped anchor and contemplated the horizon .
18 So far as is known , nothing definite came out of the meeting between Castro and Khrushchev in New York in late October 1960 , despite all the drama attached to the Soviet head of state 's seeking out the Cuban leader at his hotel in Harlem .
19 Here they have sought out the well-oxygenated water where the streamer weed grows thick and the natural food breeds in profusion .
20 When Alison stepped back into the bedroom the slight drop in temperature immediately sought out the damp patches on her back and shoulders that she 'd missed with the towel .
21 The newspapers also sought out the previous victims of The Fox 's sex attacks .
22 Her aim was simple ; to head up the coast under cover of the bushes and seek out the first help she could .
23 If you need favours granted in any area , seek out the right people for the job .
24 Butterflies seek out the one plant whose leaves provide the only food their caterpillars will eat ; beetles bury pellets of dung and lay their eggs within them ; flies feverishly deposit their eggs within carrion ; and solitary wasps catch spiders , paralyse them with a sting and stack them around their eggs so that the young larvae will have fresh meat awaiting them .
25 Here they undergo a most remarkable transformation , a metamorphosis into young , cylindrical elvers which seek out the fresh waters of the rivers and streams .
26 Fish normally seek out the warmer shallows , and if there are a few days of sunshine before opening day then you will know where to choose on the bank .
27 The driver sought out the agreed parking space which was as far away as possible from the canteen and shop complex .
28 His lips hovered around the heavy swell of her breast , his palms sought out the rounded curve of her hips and angled her into his hard male thighs .
29 She sought out the darkest room and even then closed the shutters , though it was only early morning , and lay on her bed without energy even to feed her son .
30 Her blood sang in her veins as his hands discovered her shapeliness , sought out the heavy fullness of her breast .
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