Example sentences of "amount of [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Not surprisingly , he spent a considerable amount of space vilifying the enemies of Islam .
2 Once a million word corpus was considered to be a very large corpus , requiring a large amount of work to input the text to the computer followed by tagging and ( possibly ) annotation .
3 The worth of the person offended affects the gravity of the offence to a greater extent than in penal systems ; and the amount of compensation reflects the social distance between the parties .
4 The amount of compensation reflects the fact that he is out of work and compensates him for his losses .
5 It suggests that a fine aerosol mist of sulphuric acid , produced by the combination of sulphur gases emitted by the volcano with atmospheric water vapour , is reducing by around 2 per cent the amount of sunlight reaching the earth .
6 Er , we had a fair amount of activity supporting the s marchers of the er unemployed .
7 If ( 15 ) and ( 17 ) provide only weak and uncertain support for the " emphasis " solution , the cases in ( 18 ) count as very strong evidence against it ; in ( 18 ) no amount of determination to treat the adjectives as emphatic permits them to become postnominal : ( 18 ) a child intelligent could do that in five minutes the juggler skilful wanted a pay raise cranes squeaky were soon unloading the cargo Some further explanation is therefore clearly needed .
8 It is vitally important that canister filters are packed fairly loosely and maintained correctly to ensure that the correct amount of water reached the pump impeller .
9 He adds that the Greek government 's assessment makes no allowance for evaporation and calculates the reduction in the amount of water reaching the wetlands on the basis of the present total flow rather than on the present volume reaching Missolonghi .
10 No amount of reallocation makes the total reduce and yet the first reaction to bad numbers is almost always a rush to blame someone else on one 's own side !
11 Similarly , the mass of a substance can be converted to the amount of substance using the following relationship : Example Calculate the amount of methane molecules , CH4 , in 8.0 grams of methane , CH4 .
12 Er , as you can imagine if you try and tell somebody to park in one place that somebody else has parked already , you could end up with some some misunderstanding , so there is erm a generous amount of parking to bring the total parking to the whole area up to the level that was erm put forward in the first master plan .
13 The amount of sizing determines the paper 's resistance to water penetration and abrasion , as well as its printability and porosity .
14 Windows has very advanced memory manager which can address any amount of memory to make the system more efficient .
15 If enough acetaldehyde passed into the blood , it might alter the oxygen-carrying ability of the blood , and this could affect the amount of oxygen reaching the brain .
16 The important factors are the amount of media surface for bacteria to coat ; the flow of water over this media ; and the amount of oxygen reaching the media .
17 Many people doing boring or repetitive jobs deliberately introduce a certain amount of stress to make the routine more exciting .
18 The amount of detail facing the student is immense .
19 A considerable amount of detail covering the war years is contained within the 190 pages of this book , which also has a number of illustrations .
20 ASTRONOMERS have traditionally regarded the sun as an absolutely constant source of light and heat , so much so that the amount of radiation reaching the Earth ( at its average distance ) is called the ‘ solar constant ’ .
21 On the ground , teams of scientists will measure the amount of radiation reaching the earth .
22 Mark Feinstein , an American researching the problem , writes in New Scientist : ‘ Why would an animal spend such an extraordinary amount of energy letting the entire world know it 's indecisive ? ’
23 Any concentration of radioactivity in adjacent sediments reduces the amount of radioactivity entering the sea since it will allow more time for the radioactivity to decay .
24 With a clean tone they 're warm and solid-sounding , offering just the right amount of signal to cause the amp to get gritty when the guitar 's volume pot is whacked full up .
25 A considerable amount of ambiguity surrounds the controversy about the emergence of a new class of bureaucrats in communist society .
26 The disadvantages are that although most auctions allow a viewing period before the bidding starts , you have only a limited amount of time to examine the rugs , and full payment must be made at the end of the auction .
27 However , when there was a conflict it appears that both interpretations were considered , and that it took a considerable amount of time to resolve the conflict .
28 Although now Friday night , he will spend a considerable amount of time sorting the samples and equipment for his Northern trip next week .
29 Pupils in most schools spend a considerable amount of time practising the manipulation of fractions , perhaps because of the mistaken belief that such skills are useful .
30 Therefore , as it takes a considerable amount of time to scan the tapes looking for rarely occurring variants , we have selected one particular variable of this kind , which we call meat/mate , and have studied this quantitatively outside the main projects in a different way .
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