Example sentences of "president of [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 James McDermott , president of a bank-share specialist , Keefe , Bruyette & Woods , expects First Fidelity to look for branches and banks in Connecticut and upstate New York .
2 He committed himself to helping the future of rugby when he was elected president of a relaunched Young England Club .
3 Back on Wall Street I talked about monitoring systems to a Senior Vice President of a prestigious brokerage .
4 Blandin was both the first woman and the first Green president of a regional council and at 39 was the youngest to be elected .
5 The English court had given leave for the service of a writ upon the president of a Panamanian shipping operation at a stated address in Lugano or elsewhere in Switzerland .
6 Figueres had become President of a ruling junta ( 1948-49 ) after leading the Caribbean Legion of exiles in overthrowing the autocratic government of Rafael Calderón in the civil war of 1948 .
7 It had been alleged that Starr had used her position as president of a charitable foundation to make illicit campaign contributions and that she was involved in bribery and dubious real-estate transactions involving Liberal political figures ; the scandal also concerned a property developer , Tridel Corp. , whose president , Del Zotto , was also president of the Ontario branch of the federal Liberal Party .
8 Hiroyasu Watanabe , the former president , and Jun Sataome , the former managing director , were detained on Feb. 14 along with Michio Ouchi , the former chief accountant of a golf course company and Yasuo Matsuzawa , the president of a medical equipment company .
9 As the President of a leading textile firm put it ‘ When the ship is about to be wrecked heavier cargoes should be thrown off to sea ’ ( quoted in Tsuda 1980 p.2 ) .
10 The brutality and unprovoked nature of the attacks , together with the fact that the victims were white and middle class — the jogger was a vice president of a leading securities firm — whilst the assailants were black or Hispanic , meant that the case received a massive degree of publicity and became symbolic of US racial tension and urban violence .
11 He was also president of a local Gilbert and Sullivan society for many years .
12 Elliott Gabellah , vice president of the Rhodesian ANC , met us the day after he came back from the independence celebrations .
13 Disciplinary proceedings were to be brought against Günter Sarge , who resigned as President of the Supreme Court on Jan. 19 , and against the deputy state Prosecutor-General , Harri Harland , for inadequate execution of their duties .
14 Djohar , 72 , who was sworn in for a six-year term on March 20 , was a former President of the Supreme Court and had served as interim President since the assassination of President Ahmed Abdallah Abderrahman in November 1989 [ see p. 37033 ] .
15 On June 22 , 1989 , the Sejm elected the hitherto Deputy Justice Minister , Adam Strezembosz , First President of the Supreme Court .
16 Also in March Joao Aurigema Cruz Pinto was appointed President of the Supreme Court with the rank of minister , replacing Rui dos Merces Barreto , who was named as an ambassador .
17 The detained included Francisco Boddien Ngalo , President of the Chamber of People 's Representatives , Julio Ela Mangue , President of the Supreme Court , and Cdr .
18 The government called a session of the National Security Council ( NSC , comprising the four heads of the armed forces and police , the President , the President of the Senate , the President of the Supreme Court , and the Comptroller-General ) , which met on March 27 and agreed that each branch of the armed forces would make its own report public .
19 Ibrahim Ahmed Halidi , President of the Supreme Court , attempted , with the support of the Court , to seize power from President Said Mohammed Djohar on Aug. 3 , proclaiming himself interim president .
20 In a rebuff to President Rafael Leonardo Callejas , the National Assembly in mid-September named Orlando Lozano Martínez as the new President of the Supreme Court after forcing the resignation of Oswaldo Ramos Soto .
21 On Jan. 14 the High Security Council , after consultations with the Constitutional Council and the President of the Supreme Court , created the five-member High Committee of State ( HCS ) .
22 It was reported on Jan. 3 that Luis Adolfo Portugal Rondón had assumed office as the new president of the Supreme Court .
23 Gonzalo Rodríguez Corro was elected on May 27 , in an internal election , as the new President of the Supreme Court .
24 Justice Minister Abdehamid Mahi-Bahi was reported to have been dismissed on Nov. 14 by the President of the High Committee of State , Ali Kafi , and replaced by Mohamed Teguia , President of the Supreme Court .
25 The instigators of a palace coup would have to take into account Mr Gorbachev 's other role as the elected president of the Supreme Soviet , a parliament becoming more influential by the week .
26 On the first day Islam Karimov , the first secretary of the Uzbek CP , was elected President of the Supreme Soviet by secret ballot .
27 In his annual report to the NPC delivered on April 3 Ren Jianxin , President of the Supreme People 's Court , said that the courts had " basically completed " all trials connected with the 1989 " counter-revolutionary rebellion " .
28 Bill Filip , president of the Advanced Workstation Division says RS/6000 business has grown 50% in the first half of this year over the corresponding period last year , putting it right on course to achieve its target , he believes .
29 Phat became NLF secretary-general in 1964 , and after the defeat in 1975 of the US-backed South Vietnam regime , Phat was named President of the short-lived South Vietnamese Provisional Revolutionary Government .
30 Following the Communist victory over the pro-American regime in 1975 , Phat was named president of the short-lived Republic of South Vietnam .
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