Example sentences of "simply do [not/n't] [vb infin] to " in BNC.

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1 On the one hand you 've got guitar players who are very interested in the environment — after all , guitar players are artists , and artists tend to be more liberal and environmentally-minded than most — but on the other hand you have a lot of people who simply do n't want to be bothered .
2 I say to the British people : after all they have done , they simply do n't deserve to be re-elected . ’
3 We simply do n't listen to ourselves !
4 my Lord then all , what , then , was not restricting competition because the people you have excluded are not people who would be in the market in any event , you are already saying we 've got the level of the , the , the hurdle , the wall or the barrier to such a low level that anybody who 's outside it , it is simply not a competitor , we 've got everybody in the market who could conceivably deserve to be there , but there 's no restriction , no you maybe excluding criminals or fraudsters for a , until they 've been re rehabilitated , er and you 're excluding people who simply do not deserve to be there as competitors at all , but no capability of right to compete and that 's why there is no restriction , everybody is in the charm circle who wants to be there and is capable of competing and that 's what the commission are trying to get the rules down to , making sure that no one is outside of the wall who should be inside of the wall and that 's why of course at the end of the day they can give their clearances , there 's no restriction .
5 In addition , there are some excellent hypnotherapists who just do not have the right personality to work in the field of past-life regression — and , of course , there are others who simply do not wish to .
6 He simply did not want to be solemn .
7 Radio 1 was the most complete form of specialization on a radio station and the last before the BBC accepted that the Reith/Haley commitment to ‘ mixed ’ programming on each station simply did not correspond to listening preferences .
8 But what they were getting at was n't so much that the coverage was favouring one party over another but that it simply did n't relate to them , the actual voters in the constituency .
9 But the most striking thing about Bagehot 's essay on Peel , in the light of the last full week of this election campaign , is that it simply does not apply to Major at all .
10 Justice simply does not seem to be built into the system .
11 He simply does not need to be loved , apparently , whether by his relatives or anyone else ; he does not even , at all reliably , want it .
12 But he simply does not come to grips with the genuine political and cultural difficulty of establishing effective institutions for research in applied sciences , such as agriculture and medicine , which can not be seeded entirely by individual commitment and talent .
13 There is a certain romance about the way Impressionists and their followers lived and painted , but the idea of the artist working on the spot or in the studio with romantic bravura simply does n't appeal to me .
14 It simply does n't occur to me .
15 It simply does n't occur to me ’
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