Example sentences of "britain [unc] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When Britain 's chancellor of the exchequer introduced his new tax on mobile telephones last week , he called them ‘ one of the greatest scourges of modern life ’ .
2 Norman Lamont , then Britain 's Chancellor of the Exchequer , joined his fellow finance ministers in Kolding , Denmark , in welcoming the reports last weekend .
3 It must be hoped that in the 1990s the nature of the modern business cycle is different from what it was in the 1920s and that the long-term devastation caused by Britain 's return to the Gold Standard will not be repeated .
4 Mr Steve Elsworth , Greenpeace air pollution campaigner , said : ‘ Britain 's contribution at the Dutch conference was to undermine efforts to set any date or make any real targets to deal with global warming .
5 Top of the agenda will be the same issue over which Mrs Thatcher fought countless battles : Britain 's contribution to the budget .
6 THE MAN responsible for Britain 's contribution to the Concorde programme is this country 's candidate for the top job at the European space Agency ( ESA ) , which becomes vacant in a year 's time .
7 It will then have to contend with a challenge in the British courts over the legal status of Britain 's opt-out from the social chapter .
8 BRITAIN 'S opt-out from the social chapter of the Maastricht treaty was the most glittering of the prizes Prime Minister John Major brought home from his ‘ game , set and match ’ negotiations .
9 Mr Garel-Jones had previously told the House that a defeat on the Opposition 's amendment 27 — aiming to reverse Britain 's opt-out from the social chapter — would wreck the ratification process .
10 Since early 1919 , agitation against Britain 's support for the various anti-Soviet armies in Russia had been co-ordinated by a Hands Off Russia Committee run by the far left , but supported by UDC intellectuals , Quakers and many Liberals .
11 In September agreement was held up when the then Chancellor , Mr Nigel Lawson , seemed reluctant to allow any change in the IMF 's structure which resulted in a drop in Britain 's position as the second largest shareholder within the Fund , even though it is now the sixth largest market economy .
12 In the half century before the First World War , investors residing in Scotland appear to have made an increasingly important contribution to Britain 's position as the world 's leading capital-exporting nation .
13 The starting-point for all these alternatives is the deterioration of Britain 's position within the worldwide division of labour and , even more starkly , of particular places within Britain .
14 Britain 's position within the international division of labour and its trade balance were examined in Chapter 1 , where it was seen that there have indeed been major shifts over the post-war period .
15 When there was a change of leadership in the Conservative party , many European leaders — and , indeed , hon. Members — felt that that would lead to a dramatic change of attitude on Britain 's position within the EEC .
16 The Americans did not perceive the true weakness of Britain 's position until the British loan request in 1945 , and then were able to use that to their advantage .
17 It also contains in the character of Colonel Calloway , the world-weary Englishman responsible for alerting the innocent American writer of pulp novels to his former friend 's evil doings , a perfect symbol of Britain 's position after the Second World War , standing in the middle between battered Europe and gung-ho America .
18 In actual fact , what the monarchy does do is to reinforce Britain 's position in the world as an outmoded Ruritania .
19 The issue of Indian freedom thus resolved itself into the problem of how to fulfill the promise of independence in such a way that Britain 's position in the rest of Asia and in Africa was not weakened , but strengthened .
20 In global terms , the industrial advance of the United States and Germany insisted on a reappraisal of Britain 's position in the world economy , while the muddled fortunes of the Boer War came to underline the fragility of the British Empire in military terms .
21 It means that the loss of the colonies and the consequent lessening of Britain 's position in the world goes hand in hand with the independence of black nations .
22 Britain 's position in the wider world
23 The Secretary of State for Employment and the Secretary of State for Education and Science , in an interesting double act at the Dispatch Box , sought to challenge my hon. Friend the Member for Sedgefield about Britain 's position in the league tables of numbers staying on between 16 and 19 .
24 If the Bank 's lawyers fail to have the case struck out early on , they will probably appeal on the principle of regulatory immunity as far as the House of Lords , Britain 's equivalent of the Supreme Court .
25 Patten promised last year a paper that would set out Britain 's agenda for the environment to the end of the century .
26 Britain 's passage through the ‘ demographic transition ’ in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries , associated with rising life expectancy and falling fertility ( Chapter 3 ) , long ago began to change the nation 's age ‘ pyramid ’ into a rectangular shape .
27 Just as the weakening of the Ottoman hold on the Balkans had drawn the great powers into regional competition , so the weakening of Britain 's hold on the Middle East , particularly Palestine , at the end of the Second World War drew the United States and the Soviet Union into the region , and also sucked neighbouring Arab states into the Palestine conflict .
28 The US Department of Energy will be shocked to learn from this article that I am Britain 's man on the loss of fluid test ( LOFT ) project , because that agency is currently providing me with a handsome salary on the understanding that I am the US Department of Energy 's man on the selfsame project .
29 Don McPherson , Britain 's man on the project , said the shadow of Super-SARA was a ‘ tremendous hindrance ’ to negotiations for a LOFT consortium .
30 Britain 's influence in the world depends first and foremost on the health of her internal economy and the success of her export trade .
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