Example sentences of "speak for [art] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 I think it is very important for those outside America to understand that , like myself , the media and people of Los Angeles do not speak for the rest of the country .
2 And , of course , as children erm , er so I think I can speak for the rest of the children around the base , the erm cigarettes , er not cigarettes , beg your pardon
3 The they used to the Non-conformists whether or not I could n't speak for the Church of England but er there 'd be a lot go you know i in the evening there 'd be several hundred at every one of these places , and there was , there 'd be , ooh four or five Non=conformist places in in .
4 Later , my mother told me they had to lip read : they could n't hear each other speak for the noise of the looms .
5 The count 's cold voice and his return to formality assured Maggie that he had seen this small action and now he sat beside her with a set look on his face that told her he might very well not speak for the whole of the journey .
6 First , I believe that I speak for a number of my hon. Friends when I say that we want the Bill to reach the statute book , come what may , in view of the approaching general election , and I hope that it will be given a fair wind .
7 They have er thirty minutes each , er twenty minutes A at least ten minutes have to be given over to you for questions , so they speak for a maximum of twenty minutes .
8 Im sure i speak for the rest of us on the list , but Id like to thank halvard for all this gossip/info from Norway etc .
9 Speaking for a generation of American and British intellectuals , Seldes condemned American movies for their ‘ falseness ’ but saw that it was ‘ the falseness of the McKinley era ’ , an era when ‘ the moral and intellectual tone — had not yet become infected with self-criticism ’ .
10 In seeking an answer to this question one can not but be influenced by a thought expressed by Lamont J. , speaking for the majority of the Supreme Court of Canada in Montreal Tramways v. Leveille where , for the first time , it was accepted in a superior court that an infant plaintiff should be able after birth to recover damages for pre-natal injuries .
11 Well I , I 'm having some difficulty in keeping my remarks addressed to question A and not drifting into question B because obviously Leeds City Council and perhaps speaking for the rest of West Yorkshire 's concerned about regeneration effects .
12 Akram Khan-Cheema , speaking for the Directorate of Educational Services , City of Bradford Metropolitan Council , spoke of an increasing workload for those teachers who were engaged in promoting community languages against a background of confusion regarding strategies , objectives and methods .
13 But it is a mistake to think that Mr Saddiqi speaks for the majority of Muslims .
14 The inference in his letter is that he speaks for the Council of the National Union of which he is chairman .
15 Institute Council member John Corrin spoke for a number of members in business when he said that ‘ after Cadbury , it is one of the daftest papers I have ever read ’ .
16 Joseph glanced at Ngo Van Loc , but although his knuckles were white on the steering wheel he made no comment , and nobody else spoke for the rest of the journey .
17 By mutual consent , it seemed , they spoke for the rest of the meal of anything but the one topic that was on both their minds .
18 In this he almost certainly spoke for the majority of Lewis 's pupils .
19 The Second Front Campaign produced the biggest demonstrations of the war period and , most of the time , opinion polls showed that the demonstrators spoke for the majority of a public moved by both feelings of solidarity with the hard-pressed Russians and by a desire to get the war over with .
20 Colonel John Sidney North , on the other hand , spoke for the majority of Punch enthusiasts in the House , and ‘ could not understand why they should be so mealy-mouthed about flogging a set of ruffians ’ , denouncing anyone who dissented from flogging as ‘ a wretched old woman for his lenity ’ .
21 you 're not allowed to speak for the rest of the week .
22 The ‘ genderless norm ’ — purporting to speak for the whole of humanity — has once and for all been revealed as eminently qualifiable , if not downright specious .
23 Paisley 's rebuttal of Murphy 's claims to speak for the majority of local people was characteristically florid :
24 In the three days since his interview with the Bishop he had scarcely been able to speak for the bitterness of his blighted hopes .
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