Example sentences of "remain a [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The poem is rich in language , vivid in imagery , mysterious and enchanting in its overall effect and uses to its best advantage various language features to evoke an atmosphere of grandeur and magnificence conveying the author 's passion for something which would otherwise remain a mere vehicle to the reader .
2 The second factor , which constitutes an additional hypothesis which will be explored in the following chapters , is that there are highly significant and fundamental economic and geographical determinants which have acted in the past to constrain Soviet activities in the region and which will remain a crucial obstacle to an increased Soviet presence , even in the context of a more favourable political climate .
3 Whatever the exact shape of the industry after 1994 , all the big players appear certain that liquid milk will remain a lucrative commodity to be involved in .
4 Taken in connection with the fact that Liverpool is the greatest seaport in the world , that one alone should remain a disorganised prey to designing knaves is one of the strange and unaccountable anomalies which frequently escape notice for a long time but only to be ultimately felt with greater force and overcome with greater resolution " .
5 IT 'S FUNNY how Hawkwind 's ultra-happy laser shows have gotten really hip again while the Hawks themselves remain a laughing stock to most people .
6 IT 'S FUNNY how Hawkwind 's ultra-happy laser shows have gotten really hip again while the Hawks themselves remain a laughing stock to most people .
7 ‘ I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honour than that she should , in a cowardly manner , become or remain a helpless witness to her own dishonour . ’
8 The Soviet Union had remained a Utopian ideal to the Left even during the vicissitudes of the late 1920s and the collectivization and famine during the First Five Year Plan .
9 ‘ That was unfortunate and has remained a huge sadness to me .
10 ‘ I did n't work hard enough at marriage — it 's remained a huge sadness to me ’
11 Despite the enormous amount of information we have already accumulated there remains a great deal to be learned and this is one of the special pleasures of animal-watching .
12 The Governor of the Bank of England said that there are firm indications of an upturn coming and that the basis of sustainable growth remains a credible commitment to the goal of price stability .
13 Despite Mr Kinnock 's vigorous campaign and the improvement since 1987 in his personal standing , Gallup 's findings suggest he remains a serious handicap to Labour .
14 Again , this one remains a respectable 8″ to 10″ ( 20–25cm ) , and is also a reasonably-peaceful specimen .
15 Linear preoccupation in the past remains a closed book to modern understanding .
16 Television 's treatment of the subject of mental handicap remains a major barrier to real understanding among the British public , compounding the fear and ignorance which many possess .
17 Although disputes continue over detail , there remains a persuasive logic to its arguments , paralleling that which it accords to the growth of the party .
18 Thirdly , the lack of adequate and affordable child care remains a significant barrier to employment , even part-time employment .
19 The ghost associated with it remains a permanent threat to the living , as it wanders the earth with a stretched neck looking for companions .
20 It is for this reason that deconstruction remains a fundamental threat to Marxism , and by implication to other culturalist and contextualizing approaches .
21 Their ‘ peace process ’ is likely to be , primarily , an avenue for those strategic goals , and therefore remains an alternative method to war , whereby rivals may be worsted and allies strengthened .
22 She remains an inspiring example to be remembered and talked of with fondness and good humour .
23 Now , there is an added urgency to her shots and she remains an unlikely threat to both grass court opponents and , ( following her victory in the 1990 French Open and her re-appearance in the final again this year ) , clay court specialists .
24 Although I have to confess that at present , during a time of recession , it is increasingly difficult to attract the backing of galleries for such shows and , indeed , to have the personal confidence to finance and promote them oneself , the solo exhibition remains an important event to which every serious artist occasionally ought to aspire .
25 Wright remained a constant threat to the Derby defence , but after those early aberrations they managed to tighten up .
26 Deeply kind and warm-hearted , despite her somewhat formidable exterior and a conversational style which could tend towards the monologue , she remained a generous radical to the end , one of the few of her generation who integrated the immense energy and self-confidence of the Ascendancy families into modern Irish life .
27 Thus placed , however , it remained a potential danger to the right and rear of the advancing German Army .
28 For all her tempering in the fires of history , she remained an impassioned idealist to the end of her long life , though with enough self-knowledge and self-irony to be able to record what Milena Jesenska said about the difference between them — ‘ What an incurable girl guide you are .
29 Marriage remained an effective barrier to further work for women largely through the operation of domestic ideologies enshrined in employment practice and male culture .
30 However , anarchism remained an influential competitor to the Communist movement until well into the late 1920s .
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