Example sentences of "add [pron] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thus the dilemma of the polluting industry is that controlling pollution is expensive , but adds nothing to the value of the goods produced , and is bad business for any firm whose main concern is to maintain profitability in a competitive situation . ’
2 But as Cohen suggests , echoing Miller 's point , there are also cases where an individualist account adds nothing to the explanation .
3 This helps to explain why they do not publish consolidated opening statements : ‘ cost of the services of the organization ’ adds nothing to the fund operating statements ; the measure of performance has no meaning ; and , of course , there are no balances included to be carried forward to the new year which are not included in the balance sheet .
4 The Chief Justice said that exclusion depended on all the circumstances : here the interview was conducted with propriety and the solicitor would have added nothing to the knowledge the detainee already had about his rights .
5 But the worst of all was to read what she had finally written on the night before the bazaar , the night before he had added himself to the list of those who had betrayed her — It was the worst hurt of his life .
6 Second , the fall in unemployment adds something to the theory that the economy has in fact been recovering for a good deal longer than generally realised .
7 An instruction adds one to the modifier field of a specified index register , and jumps to a specified address unless the two fields are equal .
8 Thus , where the draftsman used the phrase " adjoining premises " in one part of the lease and the phrase " adjoining or neighbouring premises " in another part of it , it was held that the former phrase only applied to property that came into physical contact with the demised property because the words " or neighbouring " must have added something to the word " adjoining " ( White v Harrow ( 1902 ) 86 LT 4 ) .
9 At Holly 's request Rosie had added it to the list of diary items Rain would offer at the afternoon conference .
10 Of all the changes in the last two generations , only the great reservoirs of water for the industrial cities of the North and Midlands have added anything to the scene that one can contemplate without pain .
11 For example , if a machine includes a computer program it is then a question of whether the machine , without taking the computer program into account , adds anything to the state of the art .
12 Kim took a number of books from the bottom of his bag and added them to the pile on the desk , then looked up again .
13 Marcella Tate came to the Incident Room and made her statement which added nothing to the sum of their knowledge .
14 She was too lost in misery , and when she found herself being lifted to her feet embarrassment added itself to the misery .
15 These tales are told with an extraordinary lightness : the frequency of the present or the perfect as narrative tenses ; the adoption of a simple but precise vocabulary ; the sparing use of adjectives ; the composition of short , essential paragraphs added one to the other , not like bricks , in the conventional metaphor of story-building , but more like transparent balloons lifting the story off the ground — with all of these techniques , Celati has created a mode of story-telling which shakes off the weight of narrative in what is a conscious and consistent effort to pare away the superstructure of ideology and ‘ that homogeneous and totalizing continuity that is called history ’ ( Celati 1975 : 14 ; cf.
16 ‘ Having decided to make it a musical , ’ wrote Alexander Stuart in Films and Filming , ‘ William Sterling should have had his team work on the songs until they were really worth including until they added something to the tale . ’
17 She looked at herself , practised an attitude , widening her eyes and sucking in her cheeks , then another , chin up , head to one side , Madonna-like in pious ecstasy , then shaking her head to dismiss the bridal vision she had attempted , plucked the lace mat from her hair and added it to the pile with the others she had finished .
18 ‘ The exhibition , ’ she went on will probably revive interest in the period so we grabbed some of the stuff from our theatrical costumes shop up in Clifton and added it to the mixture of period we have here .
19 Once I had created the spray shape that I wanted , I tied the red ribbon that had accompanied the bouquet into a small flat bow , to minimise its lumpiness , and added it to the design .
20 COOK 'S TIP : Always break the bay leaves before adding them to the pan otherwise most of their flavour will be trapped and they will be of no benefit to the casserole .
21 My feelings about the book were positive rather than the reverse , but I complained in my review that it was studded with references to fashionable French gurus that were purely cosmetic , adding nothing to the author 's argument .
22 Later abolitionists , most notably Thomas Mathiesen , have argued that only ‘ negative ’ reforms ( changes that may reduce the debit side of the prison 's legitimacy but add nothing to the credit side ) be encouraged .
23 Drain the mushrooms with a slotted spoon and add them to the fat and juices in the pan .
24 Beat the eggs lightly with a little salt and add them to the bowl .
25 Drain the beans and add them to the onion with the molasses , tomato purée , mustard powder , Worcestershire sauce and salt .
26 From now on I 'll always put any conditioners and remedies in a separate container before I add them to the tank .
27 You can have been had by the whole of Fighter Command as far as I 'm concerned ; just as long as you add me to the list . ’
28 They add something to the countryside and they do n't sting .
29 A quota is established by dividing the total number of valid votes by the number of members to be elected plus one , and rounding up or adding one to the quotient .
30 In this example we initialize the index register to zero and , on each iteration of the loop , we add one to the value held by the index register before executing the add instruction .
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