Example sentences of "available at the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Complaints of headaches should be taken seriously and genetic counselling made available at the appropriate time .
2 It is important to establish that the client and key employees will be available at the appropriate time .
3 Participating as a group delegate and individual member in the vigorous AGM at Liverpool , I was surprised to see a religious service on the printed agenda , with the order of service available at the official information counter .
4 And , there 's at least eight discs available at the present time , and more could be made available .
5 M_N Media Not Available — the media item is not available at the present time ie. it is in a locked cabinet , inaccessible to the operator .
6 unfortunately it 's not available at the present time .
7 Another ballot box was available at the central library .
8 There are , however , different levels of publication that could be developed which would eventually help more material to become available at the professional level that we have been discussing .
9 It must be a last resort in the sense that all else must first have been comprehensively considered and rejected — never because no other placement was available at the relevant time , because of inadequacies in staffing , because the child is simply being a nuisance or runs away from his accommodation and is not likely to suffer significant harm in doing so , and never as a form of punishment .
10 She decided it would be much better if the sophisticated scanning equipment was also available at the Southern end of the county .
11 This complex of elements and activities should be managed such that it ensures that the right product is available at the right price in the right place at the appropriate time to satisfy the needs of target customers in the chosen market segments .
12 Local staff or voluntary workers can not be expected to have the resources , time or experience to ensure that telecommunications , backdrop , crowd flow , music , lighting and camera positions are available at the right time and in the right way .
13 Distribution is the process of making the right materials available at the right time , in the right quantities and in a condition in which they can be used .
14 Planners need a thorough understanding of the subject field to be explored , and its structure in enquiry ; they need to know what materials , print-form or audio-visual , are available , and suitable , and what special problems they may reveal ; they need to have available at the right time suitable equipment , and places where the equipment may be used , and they need to be sure that the student is able to find and make use of all the resources he may need in the periods of the timetable allotted to the activity .
15 Both had a comprehensive collection of tools , and luckily what we needed would be available at the right time .
16 ( i ) to secure that the right land is available at the right time for the implementation of national , regional and local plans :
17 Though the commission could buy by agreement it had to have effective powers of compulsory purchase if it was ‘ to ensure that the right land is made available at the right time ’ .
18 Meanwhile , the two promised divisions , which , had they been available at the right moment , would almost certainly have presented Verdun to the Germans , were still firmly held at Metz , two day 's march away .
19 If some students are to use laboratory , workshop , craftroom or drama department facilities , we have to know that these spaces are available at the required times and with suitable staff , and what numbers can be accommodated in each .
20 ‘ I 'll do that — later , ’ she replied , keeping her voice calm while checking to make sure the camping area was available at the required period .
21 A major difficulty is getting all the appropriate people to be available at the required time , which may well run to several days if there are a lot of candidates .
22 Here the failure may occur despite the fact that the episode in question has been adequately stored and is potentially retrievable ( if actually asked at the time the drivers could have probably correctly retrieved the information that they were uninsured / driving on full beam / on the wrong route ) , the problem is instead that the driver fails to use the knowledge available at the correct time .
23 The first two years of this course are also available at the following Colleges of Further Education : Fermanagh , Newry and North Down & Ards ( Bangor ) .
24 Readers are available at the following levels :
25 Foltene is easy to use and is available at the following outlets in London or by mail order to FOLTENE Send an S.A.E to this address for more details .
26 No-one was available at the Saudi Embassy in London to comment on the case .
27 The three are among more than 30 ales available at the Small Beer Festival from tonight .
28 To deal with the new strategic requirements for success , all the tools to induce and support action-taking must be available at the front line .
29 But the spokesman confirmed that specialist neuro and thoracic care was only available at the Royal site .
30 Far too many of them , however , soon started to produce technical problems of one kind or another which almost immediately swamped the tiny number of experts in organic materials who were available at the Royal Aircraft Establishment .
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