Example sentences of "issue [prep] [subord] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The issue of whether a church represents a significant body of opinion is a matter for the decision of the licensing board .
2 While it is important to know that your sample size is big enough for safe conclusions to be drawn ( that effects are ‘ statistically significant ’ ) , this is secondary in comparison with the issue of whether a relationship can be given a causal interpretation or is merely the spurious result of the operation of third factors ; the relationship between the number of fire engines and the amount of damage caused could be derived from a sample size of ten thousand and still utterly mislead if taken at face value .
3 There is the issue of whether a household 's resources really are shared equally between husbands and wives .
4 None of those factors , er I hope we can agree , have any relevance at all do they to the issue of whether a site performs one of the five greenbelt functions ?
5 But it was confined to the specific issue of whether a duty of care existed — to establish liability , a plaintiff must also prove breach of duty , and loss caused by that breach .
6 But — quite apart from the issue of whether a woman like myself can in any meaningful way identify herself with women in the remote past — one must ask how could this be useful theologically ?
7 Of course it is highly likely that the corporate finance arm and the client will be contractually bound in any case , thus enabling us to dispense with the issue of whether an obligation of confidence is owed .
8 Next , the issue of whether the return on a futures contract includes a risk premium is examined .
9 Though this case is always cited on the issue of whether the performance of a contractual obligation owed to a third party can be good consideration , the principal point at issue was whether the testator made an offer of contract at all .
10 It needs to be recognised that sometimes all parties ( both dead and alive ) may gain by avoiding the issue of whether the attack had the ingredient of a sexual assault .
11 There was further dispute later in the year over the issue of whether the country should retain its current presidential system of government or should adopt a prime ministerial system .
12 That left the issue of whether the judge should have excluded the statement under section 78 .
13 Recent arguments about whether the level of state pensions has or has not risen over time relative to average adult per capita income , about whether pensions should or should not be more generous today , and about how criteria for change in the level of pension payments should be set , are all important , but they are essentially distinct from the issue of whether the receipt of state benefits necessarily creates a dependency in the recipient which would not otherwise exist .
14 It follows that ‘ To teach the value of living in a democracy is therefore , by implication , to raise the issue of whether the society in which we actually live is democratic or not . ’
15 So for example , er on Russo 's model we saw the people are not consultive on the issue of whether the State should go to war or not , because that 's a particular act and must be left to the executive .
16 The question as to whether a specific hypothesis is confirmed or not confirmed by the data is in principle different from the issue of whether the research findings can be generalized to a wider population .
17 The appeal to the EAT was based on the issue of whether the Tribunal had relied on a correct statement of the law when it referred to an excerpt from Harvey on Industrial Relations and Employment Law ( based on the EAT decision in Richmond Precision Engineering v Pearce ( [ 1985 ] IRLR 179 ) which stated that ‘ [ t ] he crucial question is whether the terms offered were those which a reasonable employer could offer ’ .
18 It will end with a brief survey of contemporary debates , including those revolving around the issue of whether the nation state is still the major actor on the international scene .
19 The key issue here was D's obvious refusal of consent to any touching ; in other cases there might be a general issue of whether the touching goes ‘ beyond generally acceptable standards of conduct ’ .
20 Tackle head on the issue of whether the appraisal scheme is going to be linked to financial rewards and promotion .
21 Yesterday 's hearing before Mr Justice Schiemann was on the issue of whether the claim fell within the legal time limit .
22 It would seem from this that the issue of whether the representation has become a term of the contract can not be avoided , especially if the buyer seeks compensation for loss of profits since expectation damages are linked to breach of contract .
23 More fundamentally , the decision in Katsikas raises the issue of whether the employee can most effectively be safeguarded by legal provisions which are mandatory and so can not be contracted out of or whether the law must respect the employee 's freedom to choose .
24 We do n't send more papers out to external referees because we do n't want to exhaust this valuable resource ( even though we have about 2500 referees on our database ) and because we are the best judge of issues like whether the paper belongs in the BMJ or another sort of journal .
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