Example sentences of "continue [to-vb] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We have to continue to invest in the field organisation and in research and development , ’ White said .
2 Whilst wanting it to do well , they mistrust single-party government , and they want the FOP to continue to serve in the Bundestag as a restraint on possible extremism .
3 On Oct. 6 the House of Representatives approved a stop-gap spending bill to enable the government to continue to function in the absence of a budget agreement .
4 Many members will be aware that the professional advice on which N C V O depends is also available to them , and other organisations , particularly in the areas of legal work , personnel , finance and office technology , we find there is a high demand for advice which we intend to continue to satisfy in the years ahead .
5 We continue to invest in the future to make sure we continue to prosper .
6 As the UK construction and property markets continue to struggle in the depths of recession , spare a few thoughts for those ‘ built — environment ’ graduates soon to be released into the careers market .
7 Combinations of this sort continue to appear in the work of a younger generation of British novelists .
8 Not surprisingly , social workers are very hesitant to use this section and patients do , albeit rather infrequently , continue to deteriorate in the community because of their nearest relatives ' wishes .
9 Father , we thank you that you continue to work in the lives of our fellow believers , restoring health and strength to the sick , comforting those who are sad , supporting those who are lonely .
10 We need to be here now , and we need to ensure that we continue to create in the future .
11 LABOUR 'S proposals for higher income tax and national insurance have faded as a campaign issue over the last two weeks , but they continue to simmer in the background .
12 It was altogether typical of him that his unshakeable beliefs should prevent him continuing to serve in the Government once the Anglo-Irish agreement was signed .
13 Finally , and of some significance , not only did many of the personnel continue to serve in the state system on a voluntary basis after 1909 , no doubt bringing their ideas with them , but also the casework procedures became the basic methodological practice of the service .
14 Russian and foreign fleets are continuing to fish in the Sea of Okhotsk and Bering Sea , despite bans , while joint venture firms without fishing fleets are selling their fishing rights and quotas to foreign firms .
15 We continue to help in the meantime , and at a diplomatic level , we are working extremely hard to have Security Council resolutions 706 and 712 implemented .
16 But despite the scepticism of some Europeans , especially in the north , many governments continue to believe in the bicycle theory : Europe must move forward or crash .
17 ‘ You know what will happen to you , child , if you continue to disobey your father , ’ he said wearily , ‘ and if you continue to fly in the face of God 's will . ’
18 Many Serbs , however , continue to live in the cities and the urban areas of Croatia , and they must be encouraged to do so , if necessary , by an international guarantee of their rights .
19 The majority of elderly persons continue to live in the community , and the support of their families is often vital .
20 We are particularly concerned to identify whose who have lapsed while continuing to live in the locality .
21 Thus Mackie is what he calls a ‘ moral sceptic ’ , though he is in favour of continuing to live in the light of moral values and obligations which we acknowledge as a human invention or construction serving widely shared human purposes .
22 And the spirit and courage of the men who continue to toil in the shadow of the gunman is one way of ensuring that will never happen .
23 Once again if these changes continue to develop in the UK , the classification and definition of what constitutes a rural area will have to be radically altered , although there have already been some changes , as the next section demonstrates .
24 ( 3 ) In order to ensure that day care centres for children continue to operate in the territory specified under Article 3 of this treaty , the federation shall contribute to the costs of these centres for a transitional period up to June 30 , 1991 .
25 Médecins Sans Frontières and the International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC ) were among the few relief organizations continuing to operate in the town .
26 They do not have to be repaid and may be awarded to those leaving hospital or residential care , or to help people to continue to live in the community rather than enter such care .
27 Grants may be awarded to those leaving institutional care or to help people to continue to live in the community rather than enter institutional care .
28 The courts did not accept that the employer — employee relationship was not an equal one and that an employee might have continued to work in the face of danger for fear of losing his job .
29 Japan 's pivotal role in the world economy has provoked a search for the reasons why Japan 's economy has continued to prosper in the face of a lack of natural resources and a high degree of dependence on international trade .
30 We have continued to live in the house as father and son as before , sharing the same facilities , and the house is not separated in any way .
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