Example sentences of "continue [to-vb] from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He added that as much as a third of BP 's oil production was expected to continue to come from the North Sea until the turn of the century .
2 But uncertainty in the predictability of income , a fall in the real value of headage support ( Figure 2 ) notably for cattle , and the recent cost inflation continue to detract from the confidence required for long-term investment .
3 Either the maquilas continue to buy from the United States and protect the jobs of US suppliers , or the maquilas buy in Mexico , and these jobs are lost .
4 Red-hot rocks continued to slide from the place .
5 Their lands , which had been seized by the crown in 1308 , by papal decree should have been transferred in 1312 to the Order of the Hospitallers , but in England this transfer was not carried out for some years , during which the king continued to profit from the estates .
6 Tinny yells continued to come from the earpiece .
7 A lower level of subsidence claims was reported and , apart from the Perth floods which cost the Homeowners account $3m in the first quarter , the account continued to benefit from the absence of severe weather losses .
8 Every able-bodied man in Uig signed a petition asking that the parish should be disjoined from Lewis and added to Harris so that they could continue to benefit from the employment Lord Leverhulme offered .
9 Leblois said his division would continue to benefit from the recovery of the US economy and its performance was a leading indicator for the group as a whole .
10 It really is not good enough for you to preen yourself in this way while Britain continues to suffer from the consequences of a largely uneducated workforce .
11 Contrary to almost all predictions , however , the regime did not fall , because of the backing it continued to receive from the army and part of the educated urban population : it was only the collapse of the USSR in late 1991 that ended military and economic backing for the Kabul regime .
12 Conflicting reports continued to emerge from the area , the government 's claims to have captured the town being repeatedly denied by UNITA .
13 But even if all the power stations were shut down immediately , acid and sulphur would continue to bleed from the soil for years to come .
14 For a short period previously produced , but non-expelled , hydrocarbons would continue to migrate from the sediments .
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