Example sentences of "continue [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We have to continue to invest in the field organisation and in research and development , ’ White said .
2 Nobody had criticized the Government for ‘ planning ’ the Normandy invasions , as Simon tersely argued , so it was perfectly reasonable for the Government to continue to plan after the war .
3 I want my colleagues to continue to enthuse about the job and teach effectively .
4 This will enable us to continue to concentrate on the collision of gravitational waves .
5 Also in group situations , it may be the case that the senior executives are employed by the top company , so it will be necessary if they are to continue to work for the target to negotiate with each of them a revision to their service agreements .
6 They intended to offer Mussolini control of two thirds of Abyssinia provided he would save their faces by allowing Haile Selassie to continue to rule over the remainder .
7 I am delighted that Mr Strachan has agreed to continue to serve as a Trustee , and that his long experience and wise counsel will continue to be available to the Library .
8 On Oct. 6 the House of Representatives approved a stop-gap spending bill to enable the government to continue to function in the absence of a budget agreement .
9 In the arable sector , it is clearly important to reduce the end price and to ensure that farmers are able to continue to look after the land .
10 The struggle between the NGC and the PLO leadership was one of several important developments which persuaded the people in the West Bank and Gaza that neither the Arab states nor the PLO were capable of liberating them militarily or diplomatically and that it was pointless to continue to hope for a solution from the outside .
11 They sold their assets — empty sites , empty schools , council houses — in the hope this would permit them to continue to build with the money .
12 As interest rates continue to fall around the world , bonds could well prove to be the investment opportunity of the 1990s .
13 But uncertainty in the predictability of income , a fall in the real value of headage support ( Figure 2 ) notably for cattle , and the recent cost inflation continue to detract from the confidence required for long-term investment .
14 We continue to invest in the future to make sure we continue to prosper .
15 Like other ‘ Third World ’ nations , the Arab people had suffered and continue to suffer as a result of colonialism and imperialism .
16 However , shareholders continue to suffer as the group halved its total dividend for the second year in a row .
17 Women continue to struggle against the tide of agencies like LEDU and are beginning to force these agencies to take the issue of women 's employment more seriously .
18 As industries continue to concentrate at the world level , the forces described in this chapter raise two possibilities .
19 Gloucestershire are continuing to struggle on the cricket field .
20 Combinations of this sort continue to appear in the work of a younger generation of British novelists .
21 The two characters continue to appear throughout the novel , however .
22 I realized that I had made a mistake : the no boundary condition implied that disorder would in fact continue to increase during the contraction .
23 Seven in ten were continuing to work in an IT area , building on the knowledge and skills acquired in the Advanced Course .
24 In his statement of claim the plaintiff admitted that since termination of the contract he had by reason of continuing to work within the insurance industry acted in such a way that , if the contract were still subsisting , he would have been in breach of clause 9A .
25 Staff at the emergency centre at Aberconwy Borough Council 's HQ in Conwy are continuing to work round the clock .
26 Not surprisingly , social workers are very hesitant to use this section and patients do , albeit rather infrequently , continue to deteriorate in the community because of their nearest relatives ' wishes .
27 such permanent staff continue to work for the Council if they wish to do so ; and , where possible ,
28 ‘ I 'm confident we have nothing to fear in the market place provided we continue to aim for the type of quality sheep that we have seen in the best forward at Stoneleigh . ’
29 Continue to fry with the onion for a couple of minutes until it begins to absorb the oil .
30 BATTLE of the Atlantic celebration letters continue to pour into the Echo office .
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