Example sentences of "continue [to-vb] [noun] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 When assessing the needs of a disabled person ( including an elderly person with disabilities ) who receives a substantial amount of care regularly from someone not employed by the local authority , the authority is required to : ‘ have regard to the ability of that person to continue to provide help on a regular basis ’ .
2 It may , therefore , be more productive to work within the limitations imposed by the data than to continue to explore art-styles as a root to chronological precision when this does not seem possible because of the unknown number of unknown variables .
3 However , new public order legislation was promulgated which effectively allowed the Secretary for the Interior to continue to detain individuals on a wide range of grounds .
4 THE BURMESE government has released a disgraced former intelligence chief , but is continuing to arrest civilians in a growing ‘ terror campaign ’ , according to diplomats in Rangoon .
5 A spokesman for producers the Grundy Organisation said : ‘ We are delighted that the BBC continue to view Neighbours as a key element in its weekday schedules . ’
6 But whatever , we are keen on it now , we should always have been , and if you treat people at the work place just like dirt , if you continue to turn Britain into a sweat shop , drive down wages , drive down people 's rights , then you may get some form of external investment come into this country , but we will never compete with the Dutch and the Germans and the Scandinavians , and we will never have a happy and united country .
7 As prepared to leave the Basingstoke premises for the last time , she said : ‘ While it is difficult to take in the reality of the situation after all this time , we are delighted that the initials continue to have prominence under a new and synergetic banner . ’
8 These scholars continue to review recordings in a highly influential way and every professional early-music ensemble knows that its work will eventually be referred to their public judgement .
9 On the face of things , President Carlos Salinas continues to treat energy as a special case , a no-go area for the free-market reforms he has applied to other parts of the economy .
10 The most significant difference at the search and investigation stage is that the national press will retain interest in a case only if there is scope for the construction of a sex fiend who continues to wreak havoc on a community .
11 Professionally Ambache will also continue to support demands for a social workers ' council .
12 He continued to see Jennifer on a regular basis and over the years ; she would come for holidays and weekends , and he did the loving-father duties , which he treated seriously , and never shirked his responsibilities .
13 The purity language of outrage , like the militant tactics of suffragette politics with which it was linked , continued to provide women with a powerful weapon to challenge men .
14 Until that fatal weakness is overcome , I fear that the understandably-depressed Dr David Marsh will continue to find chairmanship of a professional football club a far less rewarding pastime than captaincy of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club .
15 He continued to practise photography as a hobby until 1887 , taking an ‘ unalloyed enjoyment of the art ’ , much as he had done with his drawing and engraving .
16 He continued to practise chemistry as a hobby in Enniskillen and after moving to Belfast in 1804 , and he prepared the recently discovered chlorine gas to help local farmers bleach their linen flax .
17 He continued to study terpenes for a while but , under Thomas Purdie and James Irvine , who had established a strong school of carbohydrate research at St Andrews , he switched to this field .
18 President Blaise Compaoré continued to reject demands for a national conference , proposing instead a national reconciliation forum .
19 In order to cater for this anomaly the microcontroller will continue to recognise characters for a further 4mS by which time the host computer should have ceased sending characters .
20 Can we be sure that doctors will not continue to force treatment on a patient who has said ‘ Enough ’ , yet not cease treatment or hasten death too soon ?
21 Meanwhile , " the chemical industry continues to hold farmers in a tight grip , benefiting from the innate conservatism of the farming world " .
22 And my old team-mate John Aldridge continues to score goals on a regular basis .
23 This continued to plague Britain as a society after 1945 .
24 In contrast , local newspapers tend to take cases much less selectively and on occasions will continue to maintain interest in a case which seems unconnected with any other .
25 The records of wool and cloth exported , collected by Carus-Wilson and Coleman [ A.2 , A.3 ] , are an invaluable source , which should continue to yield information on a wide range of subjects .
26 one of these is that when the two parties separate , the manager continues to take commission for a number of years , but only on those records issued or those songs written during his or her term of office .
27 ‘ He sent a message to the governor explaining that the thefts continued to take place at a time when the firm had transferred me to England for a period of six months .
28 We would continue to recommend transparency as a useful index in renal clinics , but think that in the light of our findings it is less useful as a screening test in antenatal clinics .
29 We can continue to gain services at a price that leads to the exploitation of some fellow citizens , whether they work in the private sector , such as in hotels , or in the public sector , as in the health services .
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