Example sentences of "continue [verb] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now his executors hope that the money raised by the Constable will pay off the last of his debts and enable his wife , Austrian Countess Lucy Czernin and their two children , Edward , 11 , and Charlotte , 15 , to continue living at the house .
2 As industries continue to concentrate at the world level , the forces described in this chapter raise two possibilities .
3 In other words the slope will dip rather than rise while you continue to knit at the centre .
4 — THE stars continue to shine at The Mall , Stockton in the vein of TV 's Stars In Their Eyes .
5 I have continued to stay at the Abbey of Holy Rood involved in the matter assigned to me .
6 They 've continued to dig at the back of a house in Swindons Old Town .
7 She continued to stand at the edge of the plateau .
8 Staffing ratios were generally better in grammar schools than elsewhere , and even the Burnham system favoured ( as it was meant to do ) schools with a larger proportion of older pupils , especially if they were in those sixth forms which continued to stand at the peak of a meritocratic secondary system .
9 It then continues to squint at the water , weaving slightly with endearing cross-eyed concentration .
10 Lambarde continued living at the Palace until 1598 and during this time he maintained and kept in repair the buildings .
11 The gunmen continued to fire at the house after he managed to scramble inside and slam the front door shut .
12 As we continued to stare at the sea , racking our brains about how to go for a swim without a costume , our thoughts were answered by a voice from just behind us .
13 Nell continued to stare at the sea for a very long time .
14 He raised his right hand to silence her and continued to stare at the tabletop before him , head cocked to one side .
15 He continued to stare at the ground as she added , ‘ I 'm just wondering who might have had a motive for killing him . ’
16 The two of them continued to stare at the group .
17 We continued to stare at the corner of the field for some time , expecting to see some movement .
18 The tweed-coated figure continued to stare at the page of the book to the left of his plate , ignoring his companion .
19 As the teacher put the collar on Sherman he continued to point at the picture and bark very loudly .
20 The Services continued to run at the opposition and after Fenn was hauled down just short they took a half-time lead when quick hands gave Crossland sufficient room to veer inside at pace and score beneath the posts .
21 The man continued to hack at the body , right down to the bone and intestines .
22 Plaque is a thin , sticky bacterial coating on the teeth which , if not brushed off thoroughly , will continue to thicken at the gum margin ( the area between the gum and the tooth ) .
23 After the death of his father , Tennyson and his family continued to live at the rectory for a further six years .
24 After Martin 's death his son Jean continued to reside at the rue de Harlay , and presumably became the master maker of the workshop .
25 Spencer ignored Emily 's words and continued to gaze at the girl who had paused near the doorway .
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