Example sentences of "anything more than [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For the same motive Ackroyd is reluctant to broach the unfathomed topic of Dickens and sex ( once memorably described by John Carey as ‘ not a promising subject ’ ) : when Dickens went trawling through the prostitutional regions of Paris with Wilkie Collins , Ackroyd says that ‘ it is unlikely that Dickens himself ever took part in anything more than close observation ’ .
2 His mate was never to know that this could be anything more than wishful thinking .
3 Though Edie became Vita 's final lover , and was with her when she died , she is unlikely to have treated homosexuality with anything more than tacit acceptance .
4 I 'm not sure that rock'n'roll should be anything more than joyous noise — maybe ultimately one that means nothing , but then so what … ? ’
5 Neither was there evidence of anything more than superficial surface treatment .
6 Information collected about the relatives of cancer patients showed that only a minority have anything more than superficial contact with the staff caring for the patient , and a number of these relatives would have welcomed an opportunity to share their anxiety , not only about the patient but about their own feelings ( Bond , 1982 ) .
7 Sometimes , of course , bags are searched , but the removal of company property from the premises of licensed dealers is rarely punished by anything more than instant dismissal , acceptable enough at the time to the culprits , as it coincides with their own plans .
8 Very few of the stations on what was built of the Cape to Cairo railway were anything more than small wayside halts .
9 The landholding of few of the great monasteries of northern Francia shows anything more than temporary dislocation .
10 I think it is worth emphasising that the agreement does not commit the Trust to anything more than regular monitoring of the Little Mill .
11 There is a tendency when first writing objectives to limit them to simple forms of behaviour , such as the reproduction of facts and the demonstration of skills ; but if we , as teachers , are to offer our students anything more than simple training , we must be able to devise objectives that describe more complex operations .
12 He challenges the notion that local government is anything more than local administration , whose claim to be government is merely another reflection of the high self-regard in which officials hold themselves rather than any expression of locally based decision-making .
13 Nationalists had also called a one-day general strike for Oct. 1 against the proposed new union treaty , but only in the West Ukraine did this attract anything more than patchy support .
14 The groups themselves need very careful organising if the work is to be anything more than structured play .
15 Ultimately , none of the readily available solutions — dandyism , literary experimentation , cinematic experimentation , fascism , communism — provided Nizan with anything more than brief respite from an increasingly acute perception of the contradiction lodged at the heart of his existence .
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