Example sentences of "anything that [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is so different from anything that happens in the islands today .
2 It is a sensitive area , well placed for keeping an eye on anything that happens in the Thames , and , seaward , in the North Sea .
3 It would have had a beginning in the big bang , about fifteen billion years ago , and it would come to an end for a star that collapsed and for anything that fell into the black hole the collapsing star left behind .
4 Anything that came from the convent she regarded as her right .
5 It enables us to remove anything that gets in the way of our relationship with God .
6 And our job 's got ta be to tr I , I suppose really to try and move anything that gets in the way of achieving that .
7 ‘ Have n't you got anything that goes to the floor ? ’
8 The US audience is a very different beast to the home one , mainly composed of cute college kids who dig anything that trundles across the stadium circuit — from Depeche Mode to the more pop orientated gonzoid metal and whatever Brit morsel is dangled in front of them .
9 The US audience is a very different beast to the home one , mainly composed of cute college kids who dig anything that trundles across the stadium circuit — from Depeche Mode to the more pop orientated gonzoid metal and whatever Brit morsel is dangled in front of them .
10 My my Bible says Do not love the world or anything that belongs to the world ,
11 Anything that appears in the major scale is a major interval or a perfect fourth and fifth .
12 Anything that comes to the top we talk about .
13 Well when you 're driving along you 're looking a long way ahead that 's why and anything that comes in the road you see it Oh I hope whoever was involved in that accident tonight was alright .
14 Crossing the drive would lay her open to those telescopic lenses , and a Press hungry for news might well photograph anything that moved in the vicinity of Randall Lodge .
15 But even worse than this neglect of anything that happened outside the courts of Europe was the way that political history was distilled into a narrative , based on whatever literary evidence was at hand .
16 Did any any of you three see what anything that happened in the first one .
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