Example sentences of "sort of [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps you 'd like to sit down rather than sort of hover at the back , it 's up to you entirely but you may feel that you 're slightly uncomfortable .
2 Well the parrot he sort of came in the Boar War he did he sort of flitted on my shoulder and I 've been lumbered with him ever since and nobody seems to want him .
3 An inglenook , Oh I think it had been a place a sort of built off the fireplace .
4 But it it 's sort of built into the ground apparently so that it 'd be pretty low down .
5 Yes you just write over the top , sort of write over the top of it and it raises off
6 I ai n't seen this series I just sort of remember from the last series .
7 there 's no , there 's no need to sort of rush at the , I think we wait and see what they 're going to offer us in er whenever it is that it comes up for renewal .
8 ‘ Yeah , I hear it totally now that I 'm familiar with all these blues licks , and so I 'm starting to apply that sort of thinking to the more modern type of playing .
9 Right yeah erm so that can be , that can be a bit awkward but still some of the older stuff can give you a bit of a grounding in , in , in , in , in , in what it 's about if you can find anything relevant and sometimes you 've just got to sort of wander round the library and pick things up off the shelves like at random and see , see if you can find something in the index or find something in the contents pages that sort of vaguely coincides with what the you know what 's been talked about in the class that week erm sometimes if you keep looking you might actually be dead lucky and find one of the recommended books has actually come back in erm you may find that you 've got to be a bit flexible about that because , you know , if a topic 's dealt with in November you may not get a chance to see the book until you know kind of , I do n't know , February or something , you know I mean so it , it sometimes does mean you 've got to do the reading like a bit displaced from the from the classes
10 I mean , do you do you sort of wander round the street jabbering to people like this ?
11 You see I mean I can see the goal there every day , I can see , I can see me sort of getting to the goal , I just maybe sort of go around it , I mean well a bit I mean , since I 've had these two I sort of said , you know , would it , would it be the white handle , let me show you , you know the gold handle and , you know
12 James right like Mr right he did n't know right and we have this sort of erm water fountain and he was running towards it and he , and he filled up his mouth with it and he was spitting it everywhere and we were all sort of getting out the way and Mr told him if you do n't want to drink it then leave it alone and he sort of turned and walked away .
13 Point four the sums included with the paying increase , the one point five and negotiated seven staff and er on that or are we sort of governed by the financial cr criteria government and also are there other departments or staff within the Town Hall will receive a higher increase .
14 I think what really happened then [ the third time ] there was a sort of crackling in the noises as if someone was falling down .
15 It , it 's a domestic policy , hands off , it 's got nothing to do with international trade at all , it is purely a domestic policy and that is essentially the argument that is erm , prevented agriculture erm , from sort of slipping through the GATT net .
16 And we sort of walked round the town and back to where we 'd parked the car and there were there were places you know , pubs and cafes which are
17 Are you still sort of staying at the same or
18 He just sort of glanced at the photos and then carried on talking .
19 It 's difficult really because I mean we 're sort of striving for the same sort of things
20 Yes , well obviously we erm we hope that we 've put the team together that 's going to do the job , but having said that , there 's some handy looking teams around , I think the League is going to be pretty evened out erm at the end of the day , I do n't think erm you 're going to see too many people sort of struggling at the bottom end .
21 There 's sort of brushes under the car so when it goes round it sweeps and washes the floor at the same time .
22 I 've had odd holidays with friends and my parents but this is the first time I 've actually sort of lived in the country .
23 And we described what we were going to do on this walk and where we were going to go and both sort of referred to the same composition and there was a prize for the for the one that was judged the best .
24 Sabrina followed-him into the room , still unable to get any sort of reading on the Geiger-Muller counter .
25 There was a strange sort of hissing in the bracken to the west which I could n't put a name to .
26 Yellow-like in colour it sort of floated in the air .
27 Because the oil would attract dust and the d oil dries up and the leaves the dust deposits sort of caked inside the lock , and it will clog it up .
28 she 'll be sort of liaise between the police , the court and the erm prosecuting service
29 I sort of looked on the on the board and saw a thirteen two pony for sale been shown last year so it 's probably a sort of a working man 's pony , you know , that sort of class .
30 That 'll be alright so cos he slid his my brief case and er I got all the way home , no problem at all , I 'd got newspaper under the back , so it did n't scratch the back when I come to come down Mill Road this lorry 's go , I mean I got the tail gate up and er I sort of looked in the mirror , I thought oh my goodness my tail gate , I could hear it so and I braked a bit sharp and that slid down and scratched along the dash board !
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