Example sentences of "sort [prep] [noun sg] you [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 I have looked at your planet Uulaa , and I know what sorts of fun you would seek there .
2 Regardless of which product you choose and , if you produce different sorts of document you may well end up with more than one , the important thing is to select the correct tool for the job .
3 It 's the sort of film you can sit and watch a few times .
4 Peter Robinson , a Democratic Unionist MP , said people were sceptical of ‘ the idea of rogue cops going around to take out IRA terrorists — it 's the sort of stuff you might expect to see on television with Clint Eastwood ’ .
5 This is the sort of stuff you should be asking us ’ ( FN 16/3/87 , p. 18 ) .
6 If you want to fit lots of peripherals to your server then this is the sort of casing you 'll want — it has no less than four free 5.25-inch drive bays plus a pair of 3.5-inch bays .
7 Not the sort of mistake you would expect from a mammal or a man .
8 Exactly the sort of man you would not suspect .
9 Because he 's not the sort of man you can bully … ’
10 Giles Hawick was not the sort of man you could flatten easily , and if you managed it , he would not pop up , bright , smiling and bearing no grudge , to face you the next ti me .
11 Well , he was n't exactly the sort of man you could overlook , was he ?
12 hundred a month erm have you any idea of what sort of budget you will be , be looking at ?
14 Oh the erm if there is a sort of major beneficiary that Carpet Right because of course we owned the in them fairly decent straight throughout Currys , Dixons and some of the market people Quicksave erm , the sort of spread you 'd expect on any retail park you know .
15 All that was changing when Diane Keaton appeared in Annie Hall , looking no more than passably pleasant and sporting the sort of garb you could find in any Oxfam shop .
16 I actually said what I meant , used the sort of word you 'd normally only hear from your golfing chums or your rugby pals .
17 Its pointed head has the sort of bill you 'd expect to see on a prehistoric bird with a notch at the end like an aircraft , s radar .
18 Maybe British Rail should start to reserve seats according to what sort of conversation you would like to have .
19 It 's a a a re a really nice restaurant but you can pick all your food raw and they just , there 's a chef cooking , and you just get one of these plates , you can have as many helpings as you want , they serve you a cold starter and a hot starter but there 's a buffet that 's about half the size of our club and one side of it it 's all fish on a wet fish slab , and steak , and veal , and chicken and so there 's every sort of meat you can think of , and you can pick a wooden platter full of it , so you go and give it the chef with this number that they give you and then they come serve you with whatever you want .
20 But basically I think most courses now , not sure there 's actually a legal requirement , I do n't think it is , but most of them want a at least a year 's sort of full time experience in erm , you know , d dealing with underprivileged people really and their problems and people who ca n't cope for one reason or another , and how er y you can er er sort of help them and what sort of relationship you can build with them and so on , and how
21 The sort of relationship you will be seeking to establish is rather like the one you have with good business colleagues .
22 The sort of voice you could just nod off to .
23 He certainly did n't look like the sort of friend you would have , Chris . ’
24 The sort of secretary you could n't get hold of at Harris , Harris and Overdene .
25 In spite of the worry at the back of her mind , she sat down beside her patient and said gently , ‘ As I sat having my breakfast to the sound of church bells , with the sun coming up behind the hills , I think I felt the sort of affinity you must have with Samana .
26 But rest assured : in the longer term , giving reasons will certainly foster their compliance and , most important , the sort of reliability you can depend upon even when you are not there to keep an eye on things .
27 If you do not feel you are a thrusting , dynamic sort of person you may possess different but equally desirable qualities which employers will want .
28 He was the largest and hairiest and pimpliest and dirtiest of them all , not at all the sort of person you would wish to meet up an alley on a dark night .
29 When you know what the job is and what sort of person you would like to employ your next step is to look in the ideal place for applicants of the right calibre .
30 She looked little , and soft , and altogether charming , not at all the sort of person you would n't want to come and stay as Feargal had once intimated .
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