Example sentences of "expect to have [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nokia Oy 's Nokia Telecommunications has Nokia Oy , won an order for a trunked mobile radio system for the island of Java , Indonesia from PT Mobilkom Telekomindo : it is worth about $7m with an option for equipment worth another $7m ; the network is expected to have 40,000 subscribers in five years , and all the major islands of the archipelago will be included in later phases .
2 He is also expected to have complete trust in his opponent in spite of all indications to the contrary .
3 The research is expected to have major implications for application of Decision Analysis , a widely used management decision aid .
4 While younger pupils can not be expected to have great depth of understanding and indeed will not reach a mature conceptual level of historical understanding until their mid-teens , none the less the initial building bricks in the process can be laid from the very beginning of the pupil 's school career .
5 Parents are expected to have total confidence in the school yet schools do n't often reciprocate trust and confidence in the judgement and goodwill of parents .
6 Everyone pretended to ignore the reaction of the surveyors to the fact that the senior administrative member of Rostov 's staff was a member of a race which could be expected to have little respect for the Imperial establishment .
7 The Miniphone cellular network has gone into operation in Buenos Aires and some of its suburbs : the network is expected to have 10,000 users within a year , and is being run by Movistar — set up by Telecom Argentina SA , and controlled by STET SpA and France Telecom — and Telefonica Argentina ; initial investment in the project is $42m , but this is expected to rise to $100m over the next three years .
8 The decision is expected to have widespread implications in connection with liquidators ' attempts to recover other bank debts with UK companies .
9 For example , a child who has difficulty perceiving pictorial materials may be expected to have considerable difficulties with any test which uses pictures as part of the elicitation procedure for reasons other than poor linguistic ability .
10 It could be argued that the requirement of regularity is unduly restrictive and reflects the rationale of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 , namely , the additional duties imposed on suppliers should only fall on those who can , because of the regularity of their dealings , be expected to have some competence in relation to the goods supplied .
11 As a result she was present at the important council meetings at the end of the year and it would be surprising if her voice was not heard in the discussions about the future of Aquitaine — all the more so since she could be expected to have some influence over her children , and particularly over Richard .
12 The second was that the son ‘ could be expected to have some influence over his elderly parents , and that is something of which the plaintiffs … should have been aware . ’
13 This module would , Minsky suggests , alone have access to the model ( again possibly false , of course ) of how it itself related to all the other , lower , modules , and it might be expected to have some property of the type we refer to as consciousness or self-consciousness .
14 There are five specific reasons for not calling a witness given in r25 — namely , that the witness is dead or beyond the seas or unfit by reason of bodily or mental condition to attend as a witness or that , despite the exercise of reasonable diligence , it has not been possible to identify or find him or that he can not reasonably be expected to have any recollection of matters relevant to the accuracy or otherwise of the statement .
15 The members of the Battalion mess were so superior , it seemed , that they were expected to have unlimited funds at their disposal .
16 Iraq 's invasion in August of Kuwait , and the Saudi Arabian government 's subsequent decision to invite coalition forces to defend the kingdom was expected to have profound effects on internal political and economic affairs .
17 Thus liberal arts courses might be expected to have different aims from vocational or professional ones , theoretical courses will differ from applied ones , and undergraduate courses will differ from those in the same subject at A level .
18 For example , we expect to have two modes of b 2 symmetry , giving rise to two a-type bands in the IR spectrum of the gas .
19 Or could it be that one was from March 24–26 and the other from April 6–9 when politicians of all parties confidently expect to have other things on their minds ?
20 Workers expect to have some control over the means by which they perform a set task , and they resent having means specified in too much detail .
21 However , the public rightly expect to have particular assurance about standards of safety in the nuclear industry ’ .
22 Where kids become worldly-wise with such rapidity , it is easy for a certain laissez-faire to creep in ; they expect to have unbridled access to everything , and in the long run this is not doing any favours to either party concerned .
23 Many local caciques or large landowners expect to have sexual access to campesina women , particularly young girls , living on or near their estates .
24 Education again provides a good example : central government has a strong interest in the provision of an education service which meets its perception of national priorities ; local people , especially parents , expect to have considerable influence over the education provided for their children .
25 In both blue-collar and white-collar employment , the long-predicted world in which nobody could expect to have one job for a lifetime has now arrived .
26 LAST night Ian Abbey , the chairman of Essex County Council 's education committee , expected to have 80 people to dinner — at the poll tax-payers ' expense .
27 It expects to have early silicon of UltraSparc-I in the fourth quarter of next year .
28 It expects to have early silicon of UltraSparc-I in the fourth quarter of next year .
29 He expects to have organic chickens for £1.25 per lb and pork for £1.20 a lb .
30 Middlesbrough Council expects to have 1,000 firms on the register by May 1 .
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