Example sentences of "expect [to-vb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The IMF , however , taking into account another failure in the June test , suspended further drawdowns and negotiations commenced on the conditions for further assistance , expected to include a further devaluation .
2 She is a woman indeed ! — in mind , I mean , & heart-for her person is such , that if you expected to see a pretty woman , you would think her ordinary — if you expected to find an ordinary woman , you would think her pretty ! — But her manners are simple , ardent , impressive …
3 The line to Bathgate , reopened to passengers on 24 March 1986 ( including two new stations at Uphall and Livingston ) at a cost of £1.5million shared by six public bodies expected to see a top figure of 400,000 passengers annually .
4 I expected to see a huge hound , but not a creature like this .
5 She was dismayed to see these strangers accosting her when she expected to see an old man in a cowboy hat with a black and white photograph face .
6 The study to which Minerva refers , by Sepkoski et al , compared women who received epidural analgesia , without randomisation , with poorly matched controls who had no pain relief ; matching was based on criteria expected to affect the placental transfer of the local anaesthetic bupivacaine .
7 The £8m first phase of the Darlington Cross Town Route , expected to attract a European grant of £2m. ;
8 I expected to find a privileged crew , tolerating me for some positive press .
9 She is a woman indeed ! — in mind , I mean , & heart-for her person is such , that if you expected to see a pretty woman , you would think her ordinary — if you expected to find an ordinary woman , you would think her pretty ! — But her manners are simple , ardent , impressive …
10 Until early in the eighteenth century , moreover , foreign diplomats when given audience by the sultan were expected to wear a Turkish-style robe over their normal clothing in order to spare him the repellent sight of European dress .
11 PLEASE NOTE All groundhoppers are expected to wear the following regulation uniform : ‘ Donovan ’ canvas cap , blue anorak with Ford Motors logo , brown Crimplene trousers , a battered Liverpool/Spurs/Hendon hold-all , a dog-eared red ‘ Winfield ’ notebook with short two-inch pencil , filthy trainers , a hideously expensive camera and a pocket full of Mars bars .
12 Despite its first night technical problem , Les Miserables is expected to enjoy a successful run in Manchester .
13 However States are not expected to monitor the prior treaty commitments of their potential treaty parties to ensure that they are compatible .
14 The case is expected to go the High Court some time next year .
15 Fourteen finance ministers from former Soviet republics also here are expected to mount a strong claim on bank funds in 1992 .
16 FOREIGN media groups are expected to mount a major assault on Britain 's television industry following the publication of proposed broadcasting legislation which removes constraints on European takeovers and investments .
17 They were expected to support the M-19 coalition .
18 What is he going to say when he discovers that he is expected to transmit the first report from an advisory unit in the history of government to include an account of the Director 's domestic arrangements ?
19 the uncertainties which are expected to affect the ultimate outcome .
20 Neil Kinnock will be in his Islwyn constituency in South Wales where local Labour supporters expect to arrange a small party before he heads for London .
21 The 200-page report of the Warner Inquiry , set up after Beck 's conviction , is expected to prompt an immediate clampdown on the present recruitment procedure used for care workers in children 's homes .
22 However , with the post of president strengthened under the new constitution , Kaysone was expected to remain the dominant force in Lao politics .
23 In spite of government protestations to the contrary , privatisation lies at the heart of the proposals : commercial and voluntary sector provision will be expanded , local authority provision will contract and informal carers will be expected to carry a bigger load .
24 The District Council has accommodated the highest proportion of Greater York growth of all the districts surrounding York over the last ten years , and therefore I think it likely that it would expected to accommodate the largest proportion of the fourteen hundred dwellings that would be accommodated in the new settlement , erm I do not think that any of the settlements or that there is sufficient land within the Southern Ryedale area to accommodate that level of development without adversely affecting character of the settlements , or compromising greenbelt objectives , as I mentioned this morning , and also I question whether or not erm whether th most of the settlements in the Southern Ryedale area have only a minimal s minimal service base anyway on which to tack any large housing growths , and I do n't necessarily foresee any subsequent rise in the service base of those settlements as a result of the housing being added on to them .
25 In no way can library suppliers be expected to promote a full range of material — not just commercially attractive titles , but also small , low-cost titles from obscure publishers which offer the supplier low profit margins .
26 Individual risk is defined by The Institution of Chemical Engineers as ‘ the frequency at which an individual may be expected to sustain a given level of harm from the realisation of specified hazards ’ .
27 Somehow local authorities are expected to perform the same range of duties more cheaply .
28 No qualified surgeon can be expected to do an occasional experiment in molecular biology in the laboratory any more than a molecular biologist can be expected to perform an occasional operation .
29 The Dixons chairman , Mr Stanley Kalms , is expected to issue a formal rejection of the Kingfisher offer this morning .
30 Research by London Weekend Television , however , has shown that light ITV viewers , who can be expected to see a given commercial very few times , are just as likely to recognize it as those who should have seen it several times .
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