Example sentences of "expect [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now the curious thing was that if you looked at the early atmosphere , the molecules in that were the molecules that we expected to see in interstellar space .
2 The government has already invested large sums of money in engineering crops that resist insect pests and the climatic extremes expected to come with global warming
3 Many other countries have announced that they expect to proceed towards democratic elections in the coming year — Angola , Cameroon , Kenya , Liberia , Madagascar , Nigeria , Seychelles and Sierra Leone .
4 Sun 's 40MHz Sparcstation 10 Model 41 is rated at 50 SPECmarks , 50MHz Models 52 and 54 are expected to go to 80 SPECmarks in single processor configurations .
5 Although companies are not expected to go to unreasonable lengths to accommodate someone who is not able to carry out his job to the full extent , an employer who disregards altogether the possibility of finding you some other position and is unwilling to consider any other form of compromise may be vulnerable to an unfair dismissal claim .
6 The dispute was now expected to go to international arbitration , although the Belize government of Prime Minister George Price emphasized that not " one inch " of national territory would be conceded and that there would be no foreseeable cuts in the size of the British forces stationed in the country .
7 Clients with greater needs than this , the DSS said , would be ‘ expected to go into residential care or a nursing home ’ .
8 And the other thing is that it 's er a wide syllabus is fine as long as you 're not expected to go in any depth , but you 're expected to go sort of both , a broad syllabus and into a little bit of depth more than perhaps erm I mean in effect I mean you 're not far off of covering A level psychology at this at tha the level we 're going to .
9 She was the one who was expected to liaise with civic authorities and heads of other churches .
10 The trial was expected to continue for some time and it was widely believed that evidence would be given which would incriminate politicians still active .
11 Trials are expected to continue for three months .
12 Alex Barr of Payment Services showed the London Press the £45,000 the Bank would have expected to lose on 31,000 cards over 18 months .
13 High street sales fell in Novbember and business this month is now expected to remain at last year 's depressed levels , says Nigel Whittaker , chairman of the CBI 's Distributive Trades Panel .
14 Captain Mark Phillips had been expected to remain for some time in his cottage on the estate , where he has lived since the marriage broke up three years ago .
15 Many former rebels were expected to remain within two government development zones covering 25,000 sq km in the south region bordering the San Juan River , to be policed by 300 armed former contras .
16 Women writers were expected to remain within strict bounds of modesty .
17 Use of orimulsion — the controversial high-sulphur oil-shale fuel [ see ED 65/66 ] — is expected to fall by 500,000 tonnes annually .
18 The most important aspect of scanning is that you must have a clear picture of what you expect to see on each instrument .
19 Taking for example the nuclear power plant control room , the question is whether the desk operators should be expected to cope with all emergencies which appear within the total information presentation or whether , for complex and dangerous situations , a more senior person such as the shift-charge engineer should be called upon to make the decisions .
20 How could she be expected to cope with stupid computers that had n't the wit to understand a simple error , or calculators that came up with the wrong numbers ?
21 People who are mentally handicapped can not be expected to cope with many aspects of this AL independently .
22 ‘ But we also expect to benefit from longer term opportunities in other potential markets .
23 Past changes in both relative equity and gilt prices have a negative influence on future expectations although interest differentials ( RATE ) are expected to persist for some time .
24 However , there is little basis for confidence , since , as Frankel writes , ‘ research activity has been concerned almost exclusively with the probability of neediness and not with the distribution of those who might be expected to benefit from particular interventions .
25 Sex Roles ’ and Psychology of Women Quarterly 's occasional articles and special issues on lesbianism repeat the ‘ just like us ’ parallelism of conventional psychology by dealing predominantly with areas where lesbians are commonly expected to differ from heterosexual women , like gender role , relationships , work role , and parenthood .
26 The ruling RPT firmly rejected in May a return to a multiparty system government [ see p. 37809 ] , but after mass protests and rioting in Lomé in October , described as the worst disturbances in 23 years of one-party rule , the RPT central committee approved a proposal for the drafting of a new constitution which was expected to provide for political pluralism [ see p. 37767 ] .
27 That part of the collection 's rotation has worked surprisingly well but it has necessitated the temporary removal to storage , or to its branch in Liverpool , of masterpieces which visitors expect to find on permanent view .
28 Revenue from tax and non-tax sources was estimated at TSh118,547 million , while some TSh85,653 million — about 42 per cent of the total budget — was expected to come from overseas donors .
29 In response to higher than expected government revenue in 1989 , as a result of an increase in the value of exports , especially oil , projected revenue for 1990 was set at naira 47,657million ( US$1.00=N 7.6627 as at Jan. 8 , 1990 ) , of which N 38,628 million was expected to come from crude oil export ( based on a estimated price of US$16 per barrel ) and N 9,029 million from non-oil sources .
30 Financing is expected to come from foreign investors , and the project is backed by the Catalan government .
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