Example sentences of "expect [verb] [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 At St Bartholomew 's Hospital , 75 beds have closed ; Parkside Health Authority has closed a 20-bed ward it had just re-opened to try to tackle waiting lists ; and proposals to close some beds at the London Hospital are expected to go next week to Tower Hamlets Health Authority , which faces a £1.3m overspend .
2 Novell Inc will push back delivery of the beta version of NetWare 4.0 until September , according to prospective beta testers that have spoken to Microbytes Daily : at least two potential beta testers were told by sales reps that the 4.0 beta version , originally due last week , will be delayed while Novell improves the software 's interface and ramps up staffing on the 4.0 support hot lines ; also , one of the crucial issues Novell has yet to resolve is how easily network administrators will be able to migrate from their existing versions ; 4.0 is expected to include major enhancements to the operating system 's administration services , including audit trails for all file activity and a new retrieve-based user directory .
3 It also meant that all political structures , especially the less specialized and differentiated ones found in Third World states , could be expected to perform additional functions to those which were their main raison d'être .
4 According to the government , it 's a figure which is n't expected to bear any relation to the minimum cost of living .
5 The criticisms contained in the report are expected to cause considerable embarrassment to the government , which maintains that since energy saving reduces costs it will come about naturally if market forces are allowed to function without interference .
6 A meeting of the 16 NATO nations in Brussels is expected to give final approval to the no-fly mission today .
7 Social fund officers are expected to give high priority to requests for loans for the above purposes .
8 The extent of royal jurisdiction varied enormously : at one extreme lay Roger II , the would-be autocrat , uttering absolutist doctrines out of Justinian ; or the English king , who , however tied by custom , had effective control both of the king 's court , which retained a wide jurisdiction and was capable , under Henry II , of rapid expansion , and over the old popular courts of the shire and , where they had not fallen into private hands , of the hundred ; at the other extreme was the German king , much of whose jurisdiction had been delegated to the ecclesiastical immunities , and equally much was slipping , in the twelfth century , into princely hands ; or the French king , who was expected to do high justice to all who came , but received comparatively few callers from outside the royal domain .
9 The Office of Fair Trading is now expected to refer that question to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission ( MMC ) .
10 Promotional support is expected to add another £1.5m to the launch budget .
11 The Director of Education for the county walked down the stairs with me after the decision had been made , and told me that ( of course ) I would be expected to pay early attention to the reorganization of the whole of secondary education in Banbury .
12 Equally , the ‘ signposting ’ role now being adopted by UNEP 's GRID project — which is expected to offer on-line access to a catalogue of environmental data sets and details of the responsible agencies in 1991 — is to be welcomed .
13 Where kids become worldly-wise with such rapidity , it is easy for a certain laissez-faire to creep in ; they expect to have unbridled access to everything , and in the long run this is not doing any favours to either party concerned .
14 Many local caciques or large landowners expect to have sexual access to campesina women , particularly young girls , living on or near their estates .
15 Advertised to operate on Sundays and Bank Holidays , the routing of certain buses is expected to bring extra revenue to both parties , plus the added convenience to passengers alike .
16 Normal weather is now returning to Australia , and the forthcoming monsoon is expected to bring much-needed rainfall to India later in the year .
17 She is expected to make many changes to the 200-year-old building .
18 Staff from the unit are expected to make frequent visits to Shetland and will liaise with officials in Whitehall and in Brussels .
19 Finally , CytR would be expected to make identical contacts to the two cAMP-CRP complexes in deoP2 .
20 One was to acknowledge that GATT 's rules should take account of levels of economic development , and that developing countries henceforward would not invariably be expected to make reciprocal concessions to the rich , developed countries .
21 He began by saying that with the UK vehicle division 's track record over recent years , he could n't really expect to receive any support to the plan he was about to describe .
22 I cos quite frankly I have never heard such an exciting R S P C A man as that last one so I do n't expect to get much response to that .
23 If what Jespersen suggests were true , however , one might expect to show some tendency to be dropped in the uses where it is " meaningless " and there is no sign of this occurring in any of the functions listed either by Buyssens or by Jespersen .
24 But the SDLP expected to add another seat to its team , giving it eight benches to occupy in the council chamber .
25 LAST night Ian Abbey , the chairman of Essex County Council 's education committee , expected to have 80 people to dinner — at the poll tax-payers ' expense .
26 Separately , Advanced Micro Devices Inc said it expects to sell some 8m to 10m Am386 chips in 1993 , on par with the 9.5m sold last year .
27 And Oracle is already talking about Oracle 8 , which it expects to add object-oriented extensions to SQL and due to be announced in December of next year .
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