Example sentences of "sit down and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 and then you sit down and go through all what books are out and
2 come and sit down and get to business , now he may not , he may still want to have a chat about the weather or whatever you know so again be aware that to cut too soon to business
3 sit down and relax for God 's sake
4 Sit down and listen to me . ’
5 Sit down and listen to the radio for a bit while I go up and wash .
6 ring my friend if it makes you feel alright it 's ace if you just sit down and listen to the old Beatles is n't it ? feel alright I do n't care too much for money , money ca n't be me love ca n't be me love
7 because I breed racehorses , I also am a farmer so I wear two hats , but I 've actually seen foxes sit down we move the hounds move in , si sit down and scratch in the middle of a field , and then they think ah !
8 ‘ I sit down and say to myself , how can I convert a mileage reading of one hundred and fifty thousand into only ten thousand without taking the speedometer to pieces ?
9 Sit down and read as if nothing else mattered .
10 When did you last sit down and talk about priorities for your own relationship ?
11 Some prefer to have a regular time when they purposely sit down and talk about themselves , their feelings and their hurts .
12 Why not have the group sit down and talk about the strategy issues ?
13 ‘ If we have any problems we all sit down and talk about it till they are sorted .
14 ‘ If we have any problems we all sit down and talk about it till they are sorted .
15 ( Task 16 ) is a more avoidable request than ‘ Sit down and talk to me ’ .
16 If I sit down and talk to I 've said this and I 'll say it I 've said it ad nauseam .
17 well , if you can get on with doing that thing , sit down and look through those magazines with me and I 'll show you the prices that I can get them at retail I mean at trade , all the prices cos I 've got that two and a half thousand gallon job and that is only seventy quid , so I 'm just gon na have one of those , I 'm gon na have that with a U V A filter and eight er eight watt U V A filter which is fifty quid , that then , which is for one of those tanks which is for three hundred and fifty , but that 's not , I 've that 's
18 Sit down and drink with us , shepherd . ’
19 And course he 'd frightened himself and er I counted up to about eight , nine and ten I said to him , Look when you go inside that bloody gate now I said go straight into the office sit down and think for a minute where the hell are we all going to in this carry on ?
20 The old Frenchman motioned for them to sit down and continue with their meal as he opened a cupboard and took out a bottle and two glasses .
21 We need to sit down and talk about what to do . ’
22 Kylie and Blamey were forces to wait agonising days before the trio agreed to sit down and talk about writing a song .
23 Mr Chalmers said in Glasgow : ‘ The only political parties who are not prepared to sit down and talk about the recall of a Scottish parliament are the Tory party and the Labour Party .
24 I mean I 'm obviously happy to sit down and talk through any of it beforehand anyway with you .
25 They all have people who deal specifically with debt problems and will be happy to sit down and talk to you .
26 The important thing about that Richard is you still have to sit down and talk to them about these businesses .
27 that looked fantastic and everyone said oh god he 's so artistic you know and he 's a butcher he was n't really but we just used to sit down and think of all these ideas you know
28 I think people give it away too much ; I do n't think they take the time to sit down and think about all aspects of being a creative person .
29 I think people give it away too much ; I do n't think they take the time to sit down and think about all aspects of being a creative person
30 Ingleston , if we were offered a King 's ransom , we might have to sit down and think about it , but it is very much a long , long shot !
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