Example sentences of "sit at the other [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He derived some comfort from Rajiv 's habitual elegance ; wearing a suit , shirt and tie that must have cost two months of his salary as an Assistant Under-Secretary of State , he was sitting at the other side of the large , uncompromising desk that the Department provides for its most senior officials , not a hair out of place and his black eyes alive with amusement .
2 Laura was ironing at the kitchen table , John sitting at the other end of the table with a bottle and glass in front of him .
3 Jackson have long stood for high quality American instruments , with their Japanese- and Korean-made Charvel counterparts sitting at the other end of the corporate see-saw .
4 The man sitting at the other end of the bench took a quarter-bottle of whisky from the pocket of his torn donkey-jacket , twisted off the gold tin top and took a swig .
5 The block of paranoia sitting at the other end of the table minutely shifted shape .
6 The only sounds in the room were the scratching of his pen-nib as he made each entry , and the chink of coins as he counted them out of the cash box — and the heavy breathing of Marcus Judge , who sat at the other side of the desk , his eyes fixed upon his son .
7 And it sat at the other side of the gate
8 Mrs Rae sat at the other side of the fireplace and Madge watched her small eyes dart about in silent appraisal .
9 The Doctor sat at the other side of the cell , sulking .
10 Cicely Hepwood sat at the other side of the table next to her husband , with Travis seated next to his mother .
11 They passed from her to Louis , who sat at the other end of the sofa reading Le Figaro .
12 I sat at one end of the table and Wallis sat at the other end .
13 Ashley sat at the other end of the sofa , well away from him .
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