Example sentences of "sit up and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They 'd got to sit up and lean against their pillows and their sheets had got to be turned down .
2 For the first time people began to sit up and listen to the facts about a problem which used to be swept silently aside .
3 However , it is intended to make the average angler sit up and think about what he is spending his money on .
4 It 's made us all sit up and think about what whe 're doing .
5 The warmth and elegance of Davis 's style was made immediately apparent in the first movement of the Ireland Sonata No. 1 , with its engagingly lyrical main tune which almost sits up and begs to be liked .
6 ‘ Well ? ’ she pressed him , sitting up and looking at the broad back facing her .
7 Maggie announced , sitting up and looking at him seriously .
8 ‘ Hello , my dearies ! ’ said the tramp , sitting up and squinting at them .
9 Let me sit up and watch over Mr Hopkins while you have a rest .
10 ‘ The sort some men will sit up and beg for while others run ; it was n't only looks , she had style . ’
11 When they 're sitting in the middle of road there , I stop , I stop the car and I sometimes they 'll sit up and look at you
12 ‘ Why ca n't you sit up and look about you ? ’
13 Thérèse sat up and fumbled for the light-switch that dangled from a cord beside the bed .
14 Without turning on the light she sat up and reached for her bottle and glass , faintly alarmed to discover she could find them both by feel alone .
15 He sat up and stared at the sky in wonder .
16 Breeze sat up and stared at Gay , who was still laughing .
17 Win Morgan sat up and stared at her daughter .
18 Crowe sat up and stared at Frederica .
19 She sat up and stared at Matthew , her eyes red with tears .
20 Silver 's light-grey fur showed up plainly against a low spray of gorse , but Hazel could not see Bigwig until he sat up and ran towards them .
21 She sat up and looked at me .
22 Tom sat up and looked at them .
23 Juliet sat up and looked at David .
24 He tossed her shorts away , then sat up and looked at her with desire-darkened eyes as he tugged down the zip on his own shorts and flung them away .
25 He sat up and looked around the room .
26 I sat up and leant over him and grabbed my bag .
27 It was early yet , she noted , and , feeling in no hurry to start a day that might well fall into the same luckless category as yesterday and the day before and the day before that , she sat up and leant against the headboard .
28 Mick 's head disappeared from the entrance to the trench as I sat up and listened to a shell burst close by .
29 Sara sat up and felt for her dressing-gown .
30 Not daring to put on the light , she sat up and felt for the glass of water on the bedside table .
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