Example sentences of "door [conj] [verb] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nicolo jerked his head towards the door that led out to the reception area .
2 Instinctively , she headed for the door that led out into the garden .
3 With a whoop of pleasure Kirsty rushed across the room , heading for the door that led out into the hall .
4 He swallowed hard and headed for the door that opened out into the hall .
5 As I came to the door that leads out to the garden I heard Quigley 's voice .
6 Sammy stood on the mat shaking his fur by the open door and looking out at the sheets of rain that were now whipping across the graveyard .
7 ‘ You did n't think of opening your door and looking out into the corridor ? ’ she asked .
8 Miss Merchiston opened the door and called out in a piercing shriek for Mrs Diggory .
9 Kiah opened the door and got out of the taxi .
10 Fran wished that it had been further away , wished that she 'd had more time to compose herself and remove all traces of that kiss , but as she opened the door and got out of the car when they stopped in front of the neat little semi she was aware of the throbbing redness of her bruised lips , the faintly dishevelled state of her silvery hair .
11 There was no sound from below and , carefully , Craig opened a door and stared out into the shabby passageway .
12 Preston opened the back door and stared out into the garden .
13 And he stepped calmly towards the door and disappeared out of the house .
14 Jim thought , ‘ Hello , is someone coming up to keep me company ? ’ and went to the door and looked out down the steps .
15 Joe cleared his table , put his carpet-bag in the larder , locked the door and went out for some fresh air and to get an evening paper , afternoon edition .
16 Philip opened the door and stepped out into the yard .
17 She opened the front door and stepped out into the corridor , which was more private than the flat if mother was only pretending to be asleep , which was possible .
18 A little while later , someone opened the door and stepped out behind me .
19 Then she opened the door and passed out into the hall , closing it behind her with a quiet but determined movement , leaving Iskandara staring after her in silence .
20 She wanted to rush to the door and get out into the open air again before she suffocated .
21 He pushed open the door and scrambled out of the car , careful to keep out of sight of the house .
22 I leapt into my dressing gown , raced downstairs , grabbed the ashtray , opened the front door and flew out after the dog .
23 The water was splashing in the bathroom ; she thumped on the door and called out to Alice , ‘ Gran 's ill .
24 He opened his door and slipped out of the car , into the protection of the pillar , his gun drawn .
25 He closed the door and leaned out through the open window as he started the engine , but his look was for Marc .
26 He walked to the back door and peered out into the blackness .
27 He pulled open the door and peered out into Charing Cross Road , which was virtually deserted , the slush packed high and filthy against the kerb .
28 He unlocked the door and peered out into the darkness .
29 There is natural brick on the walls of their long family sitting room , which has open fireplaces and a children 's ‘ playspace ’ alongside the patio doors that lead out to a barbecue area and pool .
30 There were no new notices on the wall-board criss-crossed with tape for messages , and Marion allowed Conroy to push open the big doors and go out into the cavernous darkness of the wings with their slats of scenery fencing the hollow stage , its set furniture dead beneath one working light .
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