Example sentences of "price for the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 3 Each member who is given a Compulsory Sale Notice shall sell all of his shares referred to in the Compulsory Sale Notice at the highest price for the same class per Selling Share to be sold to the Proposed Purchaser on Completion by the Seller .
2 An obvious way to examine whether marking to the market in the presence of stochastic interest rates leads to a difference between futures and forward prices , is to compare actual futures and forward prices for the same asset .
3 There are celebrated examples of bad communication between the Bank and the IFC ; and the sides have confused clients by offering different prices for the same services .
4 The Canadian analysis confirmed the findings of a recent US General Accounting Office study that found prices for the same drug to be higher in the United States than in Canada .
5 The price of goods varies for the same item , in fact Birkbeck noted as many as ten different prices for the same type of waste paper .
6 Last month P&G cut prices for the same reason on its two leading brands of nappies , Pampers and Luvs .
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