Example sentences of "sit [adv] [coord] [vb base] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I would say , just sit down and tell a good story , and to hell with the morality , ’ Allan Ahlberg declares .
2 First sit down and make a list of your plus and minus points .
3 tried to do joined writing , apparently we are supposed to do that as teachers , actually said got ta put their primary on primary education , it says sit down and write a poem in joined up writing and look at your own writing and before you try to teach it to children make sure that you know
4 ‘ Hello , Piper , you are a little bit late for a bit of breakfast but sit down and have a mug of tea . ’
5 Anyway , when it all gets too much and you ca n't bear the thought of writing another Christmas card or eating another mince pie just sit down and have a quiet read of your NCT newsletter !
6 If not , sit down and have a chat with your child ; but not at a time when feelings are running high .
7 Sit down and have a cup of tea by here with us . ’
8 Sit down and have a drink . ’
9 ‘ So sit down and have a drink , Zlorf , and let's talk about this sensibly .
10 If I get home at 12.30 I probably wo n't want to go down a club , but I 'll pull a beer out of the fridge , sit down and have a laugh at everybody else making pillocks of themselves , including the prat who calls him self the Hitman .
11 You sit down and have a rest , and we 'll pop in the chemist and get some Calpol , cos we 're running out .
12 I very rarely sit down and have a meal now .
13 Just sit down and watch a ruddy tape you know and
14 So sit back and enjoy a weekly helping of fine music in the relaxed atmosphere of our Square Cat Bistro , with different artistes each Monday .
15 What shall we do , sit here and wait a bit , or go inside ?
16 You sit there and spend a million dollars on effects to try to make it sound like something you can already go out and buy .
17 And Madge Grimsilk was seen to lean back in her chair instead of sitting upright and swallow a surprisingly large quantity of Willi 's excellent wine .
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