Example sentences of "sit [prep] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Self and Citrine frequently had to sit through the same item of business as it made its way through three , or in extreme cases five , formal meetings of different bodies before being finally approved .
2 They might have sat in the same prison cell as he was sitting in now .
3 The number of journalists who claim to have sat on the same sofa and had private speech with His Majesty is legion .
4 Oh , oh , well he 's still reversing , he 's waving his arm about for everyone to overtake him but , he still sits in the same position oh dear
5 A folk hero , a man who could draw climbers literally hundreds of miles just to sit in the same pub and hear him sing and play his accordion .
6 Yet the Government expected unionists to sit in the same council chamber with them .
7 The person on duty disappeared out the back and I went to sit in the same seat where I had sat the night before .
8 These symptoms were present most of the time , but became much worse if Sheila drove the car , used certain aerosol sprays , or had to sit in the same room as someone wearing perfume or aftershave .
9 Christian Democrats voted by 66 to 28 to accept the Tories as ‘ allied members ’ , allowing them to sit in the same group as the Christian Democrats in the Strasbourg Euro-parliament from May 1 .
10 I sit in the same seat as before , just by the window .
11 They are nearly always the same people and they nearly always sit in the same places .
12 The Face runs on a shoestring but sits on the same shelf as Vogue and Vanity Fair , the shiny starships of megalomedia , and it is usually better looking , nearly always a better read .
13 Young Victor , a Romantic from birth , was excited when the family was given free seats for the theatre for every night of its stay , less excited when he found out that the programme never changed , so that it meant sitting through the same melodrama every night for a month .
14 To tell you the truth , I was n't at all pleased about Russell sitting in the same coach with us .
15 Why not get used to doing this stretch throughout the day — especially if you have been sitting in the same position for any length of time ?
16 Their request for assistance was referred to a circuit judge who in turn referred it to Ward J. who was sitting in the same circuit centre .
17 He was still sitting in the same chair , staring into space like a man in a trance .
18 He wondered if Heather , sitting in the same chair and gazing at the same view , had somehow bequeathed to him this reaction , or if it were entirely his own , a product of the self-pity Kingdom had identified .
19 I remember a statement ( Mr. Baldwin ) had made two or three years before , that probably the time was not too far distant when he and Mr MacDonald would be sitting in the same Cabinet . "
20 I 'd think twice about levelling those jarges at Jake Burns if he was sitting in the same room as me but seeing as he 's on a car phone whizzing up London 's Tottenham Court Road , what the heck !
21 I found Miss Havisham and Estella sitting in the same room , with candles burning as usual .
22 When I came back , cos I went in on the way to the hairdresser 's , to find out about it , and I thought I 'd buy him on the way back , when I went back it was still sitting in the same place with its tail hanging out of the back .
23 Decades had passed with no contact and yet here were the people who had shared seven years of my adolescence ; seven years climbing the same wall bars , sitting on the same grass , staring at the same view of Box Hill out of the window .
24 Whereas we used to have what you might call an across-the-table relationship with our customers , now we can claim to be sitting on the same side of the table . ’
25 Even if it means sitting at the same bar where Ronnie Kray 's victim sat twenty seven years ago .
26 Tonight I 'm sitting at the same table
27 It made him feel grown up sitting at the same table as real university students ; engineers and agricultural science students , law or medicine , they had all sat and studied around the Hegarty dining table while young Frank was working for his Intermediate and his Leaving Certificate .
28 On Sunday , after leaving my suitcase with the hall porter who was to see that it was in the Land Rover to meet me after the shooting , I enjoyed brunch in the Gleneagles restaurant sitting at the same table as the Princess Royal .
29 In the Shadow Cabinet and on the National Executive , Smith now has people who recognise their real opponents are the Tory Party , not the people sitting around the same table .
30 It was developed specifically for the larger urban workshops and consists of an adjustable loom with a device which , by altering the tension on the warp strands , shifts the completed work to the rear of the loom , allowing the weaver to sit at the same level throughout the entire rug-making process .
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