Example sentences of "sit [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Atlas 's purpose is to sit between the corporate systems and the EDI network , allowing messages to be generated to various standards and in various formats .
2 Although schools and teachers I visited may not always have been able to produce copies of the official syllabus , everyone had copies of previous years ' questions and were assiduously preparing children to sit for the current examination .
3 the participants for H Two will have already discovered , we are still tackling part of H One from yesterday , but , and I apologize that you will have to sit through the outstanding items of discussion .
4 Like most Chinese children unfortunate enough to grow up in the Sixties , Zeng 's education was severely disrupted by the Cultural Revolution , and he had to sit through the shouting matches and brain-washing sessions just as everyone else did .
5 Self and Citrine frequently had to sit through the same item of business as it made its way through three , or in extreme cases five , formal meetings of different bodies before being finally approved .
6 He raised the mug to his lips and sipped the hot sugary tea , remembering the day when he had sat for the first time in Mr Corcoran 's office .
7 On the face of it , the shooting looked like another bloody event in Irish history , but perhaps it was its timing — on the same day that the government had sat for the first time — that intrigued him , or perhaps it was Joe 's words : that his father and the men like him had died for Ireland were being betrayed .
8 A smaller than usual proportion of members who had sat in the Good Parliament were re-elected to this parliament , but it is hard to find evidence that the government tried to ensure the election of their own supporters .
9 So for a full week he had sat in the outer office , and waited .
10 The man who had sat in the front passenger-seat leant down and grabbed the girl 's arm , dragged her through the dirt towards the car and pushed her in .
11 He may not , however , have sat in the final term as he was under sentence of excommunication , possibly for his part in the battle of Lewes .
12 They might have sat in the same prison cell as he was sitting in now .
13 It was the same husky voice that Pascoe had heard when he 'd sat in the empty house at the table laid for one .
14 She 'd sat on the stubby grass , cut short as the back of a soldier 's head .
15 Attlee and Ernest Bevin , the Foreign Secretary , had sat on the key Coalition Cabinet committees on post-war reconstruction at home and overseas .
16 There may be a booklet on the subject , a special expert in the technical department who has sat on the relevant government fact-finding commission or a market research survey giving the latest market trends , any of which would help the journalists far more than the standard handouts .
17 ‘ Once she was a hit , we could have sat on the first contract and made more money from her .
18 I could n't kick a door if I was sat on the bloody latch so I had to do something else . ’
19 In the past he has sat on the central committee and was chairman of the London branch .
20 So for the past year , I 've sat on the Labour Party Trade Union Review Group , a working party set up in the heat of an election defeat , to defuse a potentially damaging row about the strange phenomenon in the party of Labour .
21 No shrewder opportunist had sat on the English throne , but his opportunism was harnessed to some guiding principles .
22 The number of journalists who claim to have sat on the same sofa and had private speech with His Majesty is legion .
23 I have sat on the opposite bank of a river to where a match was being fished and seen barbel breaking line time after time , and the reaction has always been the same : the tying on of a hook of the same size to the same line that barbel had already treated with the contempt it deserved .
24 ‘ I was in this lesson and two or three of my mates were messing about , and I was sat across the other side of the classroom and someone chucked a piece of chalk at the teacher and then started shouting his mouth off .
25 Her mother had sat at the crowded dinner table , drinking steadily and smoking and speculating aloud on why her daughter had married costive Brian .
26 Sit opposite the other person ( rather than beside them ) .
27 An engine cowl flap sits below the rear edge of the lower cowlings and is opened as required , but normally sits level with the fuselage in flight .
28 They had n't negotiated any furniture to get to the far side of the room and sit against the opposite wall and she had the impression , either because of that or because of the resonance of voices , that the room was empty .
29 Mount the drive so that its front panel sits behind the front panel of the computer .
30 She spent time shelling boiled chestnuts to sit amongst the traditional sprouts .
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