Example sentences of "period [prep] [adj] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 If the pond level only drops during periods of hot weather it is safe to assume that evaporation is the cause .
2 At periods of especial affliction he wore shoes slit down the side and stuffed with newspapers .
3 And just when they seem engaged in revolutionizing themselves and things , in creating something that has never yet existed , precisely in such periods of revolutionary crisis they anxiously conjure up the spirits of the past to their service and borrow from them names and little cries in order to present the new scene of world history in this time-honoured disguise and this borrowed language . ’
4 ‘ Over a period of one year we were continually evaluating our frac pack job performance , changing one component at a time until we achieved well performance that has virtually eliminated problems caused by damage near the well bore , ’ Park says .
5 Over a period of two months we released some 300 000 into a small village in Upper Volta in West Africa .
6 Over a period of two weeks they noted the time she went to bed each night and calculated an average ‘ time late ’ .
7 Over a period of many years I had a succession of research students working On the Eocene strata of the Isle of Wight , off the south coast of England .
8 Over a period of nine years it has become clear that the breeders referred to in the cup of that name do not include those operating on this side of the pond .
9 While this study is limited to one university and deals with a relatively small intake of mature students over a period of six years it does demonstrate that non-standard entry mature students can do particularly well when compared with other students .
10 Over a period of fifteen years he noted that not only were the ridge and furrow patterns of each individual 's prints unique , but that they never changed .
11 Barnard inherited a large fortune from his father : over a period of fifty years he devoted himself to the formation of a collection of prints , drawings , and paintings , becoming one of the foremost connoisseurs of his day .
12 After a period of some confusion it seems that Carvin gear is going to get proper distribution in the UK .
13 And in the 27th minute , after a period of sustained pressure they took the lead , the goal created by a clever Clough pass .
14 Over a period of three weeks they were shunted back and forth between Germany , London and Cairo until the Home Office granted them temporary admission .
15 But levied over a period of three years it brought in about £80,000 and became the prototype for later subsidies .
16 The government announced on Nov. 26 that over a period of three years it intended to cut 122,000 government jobs — approximately one fifth of state employees — at an estimated saving to the state of the equivalent of US$1,500 million .
17 In a period of ten years he recorded at least thirty proven cases of clairvoyance between himself , or his wife , and a horse .
18 Over a period of ten days I spent a lot of energy and seemed to come through with colours flying .
19 Over a period of twenty years it is claimed that a fast reactor could breed enough additional plutonium to fuel another similar power station .
20 According to bogus sexologist Dr John R Brinkley , goat glands held the secret to combating male impotence and over a period of twenty years he amassed a fortune of more than $12 million administering them to 16,000 men worried about their sexual inadequacies .
21 From her period of residential living she had developed a particular rapport with Henry .
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