Example sentences of "let [pers pn] [vb infin] what the " in BNC.

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1 Er now let's go back over oh first of all let me explain what the idea is Hello .
2 Let me know what the prospects are . ’
3 Let us consider what the interviewer is trying to do when seeking an interview and what the reaction of the informant may be .
4 let us see what the statement of claim alleges , or rather does not allege .
5 So let us see what the questionnaire can tell us .
6 I know that Coventry is nowhere near Calderdale , but let us see what the hon. Gentleman can do .
7 ‘ I 'm encouraging people to diversity , so I 've got to let them know what the pitfalls are . ’
8 The names of these are , to say the least , a little esoteric , but , thankfully , as in almost every area of this program , and animated preview is available to let you see what the final effect is like .
9 ‘ We said prayers for his recovery and Tony 's dad has promised to keep in touch to let us know what the latest is .
10 DesignaKnit has a very helpful function which lets you decide what the maximum allowable float length ( in stitches ) can be .
11 If we are able to make use of the track in the way specified I would be extremely grateful if you could let me know what the cost will be .
12 If we are able to make use of the track in the way specified I would be extremely grateful if you could let me know what the cost will be .
13 If we are able to make use of the track in the way specified I would be extremely grateful if you could let me know what the cost will be .
14 If we are able to make use of the track in the way specified I would be extremely grateful if you could let me know what the cost will be .
15 Can you please let me know what the position is with regard to order number 026 that I placed with you for the above tape to run it on VAX 3500 running ULTRIX , at either 6250 or 1600 bpi ? ( ordered on 12 May )
16 " Hearken , you three , " he said , picking out three-goblin brothers , " follow those boys , stay with them , and , whatever you do , do n't let them remember what the sun-god told them to do . "
17 As soon as I get a draft I 'll I 'll let you know what the perfections are .
18 Cath 's just put a few things together and thought well I may as well let you , you know , she may as well let you know what the things she 's put in
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