Example sentences of "let [pron] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 To the community at Canterbury he was a saintly but somewhat ineffective archbishop , who had let them down in the matter of the primacy of their church .
2 It 's the inappropriate nature of my clothing that has consistently let me down through the years .
3 I never give up on people — even those who have let me down in the past .
4 Peach alone was in the house , having let himself in through the cat flap Stephen had fixed into the lower panel of the back door .
5 There was no night-porter , but he had a key and he let himself in to the deserted lobby .
6 As the ethereal strains of Ravel stole through the room , Penry let himself down on the sofa , eyes closed .
7 Cathy went into the shop and Wycliffe let himself out into the little hall from which stairs led up to the flat .
8 He cut the power by the meter and collected his roll and the half-completed form from the kitchen table before he let himself out through the back door .
9 Seb let himself out through the gate and Carrie was half-way back to the house when his soft call brought her to a halt .
10 He let himself out of the front door and when he was beyond the shelter of the porch he felt the sting of rain on his cheeks .
11 Duncan let himself out of the car as Myeloski walked round to him .
12 Then , looking at the man as if he was so much dirt , he let himself out of the front door .
13 When he was satisfied that everything was straight , he let himself out of the back door .
14 He listened before he let himself out of the cellar , but there still seemed to be nobody around ; Reynolds felt gritty and smeared , at an unhappy disadvantage if he should have to lie his way out of an embarrassing situation .
15 Do you mean we 've let you off for the evening ?
16 ‘ I 'm helping to set out the stalls for the hospital bazaar — should be back about midday , ’ she called , as she let herself out of the house .
17 Then she let herself out of the door and walked through the yard , muttering quietly to Ferry , so that he would know who it was .
18 Then she let herself out of the farmhouse , and started to walk .
19 Carolyn let herself out of the french windows and made her way along the trodden track to her garden , now a dug rectangle of some eight by twelve yards , backing on to the wall of Keswick 's warehouse .
20 After six o'clock , when the cheap rate had started , Karen King let herself out of the side door of Aunt Jane 's bungalow and walked the quarter of a mile to the public call box .
21 Ashamed of her excess of imagination , she let herself out into the street and covered the few yards to her car under the trees .
22 As she let herself out into the garden through the kitchen door , she gave a small shiver that had absolutely nothing to do with the autumnal chill in the air .
23 As she let herself in at the front door her mother 's voice came booming out of the kitchen .
24 The three words were not a great deal for Carrie to pin her hopes to , but she had a warm and happy glow deep inside her as she let herself in at the door of the cottage .
25 She let herself quietly into the house , and immediately heard the sound of voices coming from the living-room .
26 Loads of people had let him down over the years , so I did n't want to be one of them .
27 The woman who had let him out of the darkness of the birth-cave into the light . ’
28 Less than two hours later , a city-centre taxi let her out under the lighted awning of the hotel by the park .
29 A burly serjeant-of-arms stopped them , asked their business , and grudgingly let them through into the main courtyard where they were halted by a steward who took them up into the main hall .
30 I could have done a little the papers let them off of the hook for years !
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