Example sentences of "suggest that [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Here we describe geochemical and microbiological studies which suggest that contemporary formation of siderite concretions in a salt-marsh sediment results from the activity of sulphate-reducing bacteria .
2 In modern Britain studies of ‘ elite self-recruitment ’ suggest that certain types of job , such as senior positions in the Civil Service , are usually filled by those who have attended public school .
3 Answers given by the forty women in the sample to questions about work tasks suggest that certain characteristics of housework may be more or less uniformly experienced as dissatisfying while others are potentially rewarding .
4 The statements suggest that annual reports of plcs and large private companies should include a statement about directors ' responsibilities , acknowledging the role directors ' play in the preparation of the financial statements , and their responsibilities for the decision on whether a going concern basis is appropriate , and for ensuring that adequate financial controls are in place .
5 Moreover , recent findings suggest that increased levels of luteinising hormone , which may also be associated with hyperinsulinaemia , might decrease the spontaneous chance of conceiving and increase spontaneous abortion rates .
6 As Myc and Max should preferentially form heterodimers ( Fig. 3 b ) , we suggest that mitogenic induction of Myc expression leads to a shift in the equilibrium from Max+Max to Myc+Max .
7 Other unification schemes suggest that other modes of proton decay should be more common , such as the decay into a muon and two .
8 These findings suggest that low doses of cyclosporin can be given for prolonged periods to patients with ulcerative colitis with minimal nephrotoxicity .
9 Populist theories of political democracy which suggest that meaningful forms of social organization can emerge from a principle of " one man , one vote " fudge the issue .
10 Recent moves to establish a world standard in memory cards suggest that this kind of publishing may soon extend to desktop computers of all kinds as well as handheld reference devices .
11 R. W. Gibson and J. A. Pickett of Rothamsted Experimental Station in Harpenden believe their discovery to be the first example of a food crop plant using insect pheromones in this way , and suggest that this mode of protection could be introduced to cultivated species ( Nature .
12 Nor does the evidence of a renewed upsurge of potentially revolutionary protest from below in the immediate pre-war years suggest that this source of their inhibition would fade with time .
13 Other writers suggest that this reprioritizing of the goals is sensible , as the individual has devoted too much energy to career and too little to family , friends and outside interests .
14 We suggest that this sort of service led by fully trained clinical psychologists who are able to evaluate and adapt their approach to the particular needs of general practice should be explored further .
15 Again I suggest that this line of argument is unsound .
16 But the records suggest that large flocks of Wigeon have stayed for much shorter periods in many inland localities since 1964 as a result of the generally drier conditions .
17 First impressions in the field suggest that large areas of ice-free Antarctica are sterile .
18 Taken together , these findings suggest that local generation of NO participates in the regulation of gall bladder motility in guinea pigs .
19 Descriptions of self-starvation among early religious ascetics suggest that some variant of anorexia nervosa may be traced to medieval times .
20 How strong this support will prove to be in the last analysis remains to be seen , but Labour 's treatment of Mr Gould and its refusal to back calls for a referendum on the Treaty suggest that any hopes of altering the movement towards European Federalism remain with the Conservative Party .
21 But the latest revelations suggest that any number of culprits could be responsible for the Royal bugging , ranging from the security services , journalists and even members of the royal family .
22 But the latest revelations suggest that any number of culprits could be responsible for the Royal bugging , ranging from the security services , journalists and even members of the royal family .
23 The rapid advances in this field suggest that computational analogues of human reasoning abilities will become increasingly difficult to distinguish from the real thing , and if a mechanistic view of biological systems is taken , this in itself may provide sufficient proof of the ability of non-biological systems to develop the ability to process ideas and communicate concepts .
24 They merely suggest that younger elements of the ‘ rough ’ working class are ‘ the most central and persistent offenders in the more serious forms of football hooliganism ’ ( Dunning et al. , 1988:213 ) .
25 When they are put into the context of a congruent sentence , however , this disadvantage is reduced ( Underwood and Bargh , 1982 ) , suggesting that two sources of information , context and word shape , can be used in combination by practised readers .
26 But it was the IHSM who five years ago produced a report suggesting that new ways of delivering health care should be explored including separating providers from purchasers .
27 The present results revealed that membranous expression of pre-S1 or pre-S2 was found in patients with hepatitis B virus-DNA in serum of HBcAg in liver , regardless of the histological activity , suggesting that membranous expression of pre-S1 or pre-S2 is closely related to active replication of hepatitis B virus , rather than the extent of liver inflammatory activity .
28 Therefore , the empirical evidence suggesting that reliable signals of each actor 's state are not seen in the course of animal conflicts may have been misinterpreted .
29 Broadly , the declines in the concentration ratio have tended to occur during periods of market growth , while the rises have corresponded to recessions , suggesting that high levels of bond issues lead to a more even spread of issues between firms as well as new entry , while in slack periods the dominant houses tend to take a larger proportion of issues , smaller houses being squeezed out .
30 Unlike the peptide bond of the tetrapeptide substrate , the MeVal11 C α- C' bond of CsA can more easily rotate to form favourable interactions with CyP , suggesting that this portion of CsA mimics a twisted amide bond as postulated in one mechanism .
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