Example sentences of "suggest [conj] in [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Interestingly , only a small number of sites enjoyed such a distinctive central core , suggesting that in addition to a developed internal street network , this might be a further indicator of a higher level of urban development arid complexity .
2 Skilbeck , in commenting upon the progress of the national frameworks , suggests that in addition to setting out areas of knowledge , understanding and human activity firmly and clearly , the various kinds of learning experiences and learning situations also need defining .
3 Discuss the evidence which suggests that in order to be effective , a manager can and should be flexible in the choice of his managerial style .
4 Figure 3.1 suggests that in relation to employment and the economy , undergraduate courses lie somewhere among three points : the professional , the academic and the general .
5 With regard to day space this has been agreed on a provision of 4m2 per patient and it was also suggested that in addition to providing that space for each resident , there should be extra space to accommodate 2 day patients per sub section .
6 Liddell suggested that in addition to Pavlov 's , what-is-it ? , reflex , the presentation of a novel stimulus will also evoke a ‘ what-happens-next ? ’ reflex .
7 They suggested that in addition to the photon , there were three other spin-I particles , known collectively as massive vector bosons , that carried the weak force .
8 Scott also suggested that in addition to carrying out some exercise or activity focused around one of the essential concepts , pupils should be given the opportunity for reflecting on the thinking processes they have gone through .
9 Indeed , recently the French Government suggested that in addition to its measure to reduce the working week , establish early retirement and other features to deal with some of the multiplier effects of growing structural unemployment , it will also engage in a campaign of socially useful production similar to that advocated by the Lucas workers .
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