Example sentences of "offer [pron] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Cooke says : ‘ Egg pasta is certainly preferred by many chefs not only because of its excellent colour and flavour , but because it offers them the possibility of upgrading their pasta menus , thus increasing their profits . ’
2 The prison governor tells them they are about to be shot and offers them the choice of dying like men or wearing blindfolds .
3 I suppose this set of instructions at least offers you the liberty of constructing your own timetable .
4 Our Higher Rate Deposit Account now offers you the benefit of tiered interest rates .
5 Our Capital Advantage account now offers you the benefit of tiered interest .
6 The GRiD offers you the choice of using a pen or a conventional QWERTY keyboard — both of which are supplied as standard .
7 He almost had me going , but my Rule of Life No. 14 is that when somebody offers you the chance of a lifetime , they usually mean theirs , not yours .
8 Love The Full Moon in Taurus on the 10th offers you the chance to finally get things moving in the direction you 've chosen , without being influenced by the demands of a lover or spouse .
9 Their initiative was thought to have been in response to an open letter published on Jan. 15 under the signatures of three former Presidents , the Archbishop of Bogotá , and the leader of the left-wing Patriotic Union Party ( UP ) , which had offered them the prospect of " society 's support … for less rigorous treatment " by the government if they released the estimated dozens of hostages they had seized over the previous two months and stopped drug trafficking .
10 He has now offered them the use of his white Rolls-Royce for the wedding as well as a Renault 19 for the honeymoon .
11 ‘ The van I used to use to transport my bikes has come to the end of its day , and Bill Doig has very kindly offered me the use of the station van if it is not required for company duties . ’
12 In his place he put Austen Chamberlain , although a little more by accident than design , for Baldwin had offered him the choice between that and the India Office .
13 They had offered him the position of editor in chief with , apparently , more direct control over the content of the paper , but only if he came off the Board .
14 ‘ We have offered him the chance of coming here as chief executive — but also the opportunity to buy the club .
15 Instead of the Exchequer , Baldwin had offered him the embassy to Washington , which Chamberlain had rejected with anger .
16 Since he has offered her the role of Claudia Cohn-Casson , she has introduced him to journalists , script writers and directors .
17 The escape from France described in Flying Colours offers him the chance of the kind of swift , concrete description in which he excels but too often the pace slackens overmuch as Hornblower 's emotions are analysed with an almost sentimental thoroughness .
18 He installed me in the base-camp , an old redbrick gardener 's cottage with roses climbing up the side , offered me the keys to the crew bus so that I could pick up something to eat in nearby Worksop , and even had the foresight to take a pint of milk from the warden 's fridge so that I 'd be able to make a cup of coffee in the morning .
19 Glyndebourne offered me the part on the record , but the fee was pitiful — £40 or something like that .
20 Kathleen offered me the use of her office telephone and so , one morning , I settled down to make some enquiries .
21 There was a story that she had once been married to a hollow cheeked Indian tour guide called Willy Wither who had taken us up the river and touchingly offered me the use of his very expensive camera ( ‘ A holiday without a camera is a terrible thing . ’ ) ,
22 ‘ I 'd only been at Rangers five minutes when he offered me the use of his villa in Florida .
23 He offered me the job on the spot .
24 One management even offered me the role of Fairy Godmother in Cinderella .
25 ‘ In those early days , ’ says Gatfield , ‘ the A&R person is everything to a new act — they hold the purse strings and there is a very special relationship because it was the A&R person who offered them the way into a record company , which is very , very special . ’
26 He did , however , acknowledge that it would be neither responsible nor sensible to ignore the existence of the Action Committee , and he offered them the opportunity of a meeting with representatives of the council .
27 In line with the Group of Eight 's decision in December 1988 to offer fair treatment to Latin American debtors , Brazil in January 1990 proposed that debtor countries with payments imbalances or shortages of hard currency ( such as Bolivia , Ecuador and Peru ) should convert their debt into local currency to pay for Brazilian imports and to finance cross-border ventures , and also offered them the possibility of buying back debt at a discount .
28 Lloyd 's chairman David Coleridge reiterated his elation at having the new tenants while their listed Edwardian building is repaired , and offered them the use of his building 's catering facilities — an important consideration for many members .
29 She drew a breath as he offered her the platter of bread , and her fingers shook as she lifted a slice from among the pile .
30 If he offered her the use of one of his typewriters , she was done for .
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