Example sentences of "reason for [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I think Freud would say though however that these are more like the th the was talking about religion , now clearly if something is a outlawing it is n't gon na make much difference to it , or if anything it 's , it 's just gon na make it er , er make it more difficult , but there are certain types of religion and Judaism is one of them where th this very pattern you 're talking about did occur and here Freud is er probably standing on , on firm ground , for reasons which I 'll explain in my lectures I do n't wan na take up too much time , but I have done a bit of research on this myself and as you will see , erm there 's , there are good reasons for thinking that Freud was certainly right about some of those and we certainly know that a monotheistic and , and an absolutely rigidly monotheistic religion appeared in Ancient Egypt as erm Andrea said , just before erm the er reign of this heretic er heretic , heretic pharaoh one of whose er near descendants , I forget how he was related now , erm was originally called Tutamkhatan and then was forced to change his name to Tutankhamen and he was dug up by Howard Carter in nineteen twenty two or something er and er the Tutankhamen is called Tutankhamen and not Tutamkhatan is that there was a religious .
2 In addition to these informal clinical observations , there are several other , more scientific , reasons for believing that schizophrenia and affective psychosis are not as distinct from each other as was once thought .
3 One of the chief reasons for believing that heterostracans were fossil relatives of hagfishes ( Fig. 2 A , b ) centred on the fact that in the modern hagfish , Myxine , and heterostracans there is a single external branchial opening emptying from several internal gill pouches .
4 The three Masses and the Gradualia have been championed a great deal in recent years , sometimes meshed with one another in the ‘ liturgical reconstruction ’ manner , although there are reasons for believing that Byrd did not have that in mind .
5 It must fit our practice , and we have discovered important reasons for believing that conventionalism does not .
6 There are good family economic reasons for believing that fertility will not become high .
7 The reasons for demanding that expressions output on one channel , or assigned to the same variable , be uniformly ordered have already been explained .
8 However , there are various reasons for saying that man is the same grammatical element in 74a and b .
9 Let Dr McNab give his reasons for saying that cholera is spread by the drinking of infected water ! "
10 She argues that there are good reasons for supposing that variables such as frequency , concreteness and prior priming — all of which influence the speed with which individual words can be accessed ( see Chapter 6 ) — will affect sentence production .
11 The death threats he received in London do n't point to it , but if you have any other reason for believing that theory I must ask you to reveal it so that it can be properly investigated . ’
12 A second reason for doubting that genes were made of DNA was that proteins are chemically much more interesting , and it was already known that at least some genetic abnormalities are caused by the absence of specific proteins .
13 On the other hand , there is no reason for thinking that Syagrius 's power ever extended beyond Soissons .
14 Brutus has no reason for thinking that Caesar would change his nature .
15 However , there is some reason for thinking that Freud may have had something else in mind , namely , the symbols which occur in dream life , some of which are widespread among different cultures and epochs .
16 The reason for thinking that chloroplasts have this origin is that they still retain their own DNA and their own protein-synthesizing machinery .
17 There is in fact no compelling logic in any of these assumptions ; not merely is there no reason for assuming that Britain and Germany will have opposite policies in the postwar phase , there are real grounds for supposing that the major European countries will then start to have convergent policies .
18 The avoidance of confusion at the time of reading is not the only reason for arguing that children should be helped to become aware of what is actually on the page .
19 But readers can appreciate my reason for feeling that brother Louis had let me down badly .
20 This is an additional cost for one or more of the parties and is in itself a reason for ensuring that disputes are resolved wherever possible before referring to a third party for resolution .
21 ( Of course if there are resurrections , then my point is proved and there is again a regularity to nature ; but then there is no particular reason for saying that Jesus is unique as Christians believe . )
22 This very selectivity of what the scientist chooses to notice and work upon is another reason for saying that science is to some extent subjective .
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