Example sentences of "reason for [verb] [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing could reduce its probability , and hence there could be no reasons for supposing it false .
2 Beth was oddly relieved that she had not confided in Cissie ; not that she did n't trust the girl , but because she had never spoken to anyone about her family , or her reason for leaving them all those years ago .
3 Now the taxation of the plaintiff 's bill of costs , came before master er and er in his taxation , it seems , and I 'm , I think I 'm right in saying it , it seems that erm there is no substantial dispute as to the particular items in the various bills of costs with which he was concerned , it maybe that if there were a discrepancy , he has , he dealt with it and nothing has been said before me today , er to suggest that the figures appearing in the bill of costs ought to be varied and accordingly I have not er have to consider the detail items in the bill of costs , the only issue I did n't decide is whether master was correct in disallowing interest for the period that he did , er Mr for the plaintiff says that he was wrong er that there was no good reason for disallowing him any interest and that accordingly I on this appeal should erm discharge or reverse that part of taxing order as disallowed interest .
4 He is stuck with this answer to the second question because he holds ( as does Hare , but not Ayer ) that what one is saying about something when one calls it x is identical with one 's reason for calling it x .
5 I could see no reason for keeping me alive .
6 Erm and basically er the , the reason for doing it that way is that erm , I do n't want to set up a situation where erm I 'm some sort of expert and I er this is not a matching process , okay ?
7 Moreover , there is a further independent reason for finding it attractive , apart from whatever success is to be had in the future in generating likely looking fragments of natural language .
8 When passing on to them family news , which they are usually anxious to hear , remember that the time for leaning on them with your more serious troubles is now past ; so unless there is some inescapable reason for giving them bad news , try to protect them from it , for they will probably be worrying about it in isolation until your next visit .
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