Example sentences of "before he went [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 he gave me a before he went on holiday and he has n't come back .
2 Before he even started erm when he before he went to Liverpool as an apprentice .
3 ‘ Because he 'd been a novice monk himself once , in Ireland , before he went to Oxford .
4 Nigel was given a sleeping pill and some cocoa before he went to bed .
5 He meant to check the street for signs of the Corsican before he went to bed but he was so tired he forgot .
6 He had a cup of tea with his landlady before he went to bed .
7 There would be time to look at it before he went to bed .
8 Harvey said he still had a temperature and must have something to eat before he went to bed .
9 He 'd got married just before he went to sea , and he had two voyages and he did n't earn anything .
10 He died before he went to trial over the matter .
11 Alford Grammar school also had a hand in the education of Captain John Smith before he went to Louth and Thomas Paine , famous for abolishing slavery in Pennsylvania and for his written works , in particular ‘ The Rights of Man ’ , lived here for several years when he worked at the Excise Office .
12 When I saw no one in the middle of the room , which had been full of music and smoke and pungent with the smell of hashish , I thought he might have forgotten to turn off the music before he went to sleep .
13 Just before he went to sleep , he could hear the wind and the rain in the garden , and he thought , for a moment , that he could see the face of an old man at the window .
14 Martin Parr was not a hasty man , but before he went to sleep he made two phone calls .
15 By nature , and before he went to Ireland , whose problems affected the characters and ruined the careers of many another English administrator before and since , Jeremy Taylor was a very humane man , and it may be appropriate to leave him by quoting a story which was his conclusion to The Liberty of Prophesying :
16 His father owned a record shop in Baltimore and before he went to university he had become the buyer for the shop , a job which provided an unlikely education .
17 He had lost his father through an industrial accident the year before he went to university .
18 But he had barely attended a professional orchestral concert before he went to university .
19 On the day of the overdose Charles and Ann had a row before he went to work , and later Charles came home to find his wife had left him .
20 This is expected to be particularly revealing as Mr Camber , a curator at the British Museum before he went to work for Sotheby 's , heard about the hoard from an ex-colleague and became involved in negotiations over it in Switzerland some time before Lord Northampton , presenting himself as the single owner of the treasure , first approached Sotheby 's in 1988 with a view to selling .
21 When he was a young man , before he went to America , the law 's cloud billowed over everything , fomenting quarrels to her advantage until anything the litigants had to spare , peasants and rich men alike , was swallowed up .
22 ‘ He could read and write before he went to school .
23 Before he went to school , he was opening doors for ladies and addressing all the adult men around him — from the footman to Prince Philip — as ‘ sir ’ .
24 We should get Grant 's all ready because mummy forgot to give him one before he went to school .
25 25–11 Dr St. Clair , who used to practice in Islay before he went to Blackpool , was the guest of J. C. Graham at Lagavulin .
26 All 37 denominations in the National Council of Churches — representing 42 million people — wrote to Bush before he went to war , futilely petitioning him to ‘ give peace a chance ’ .
27 I used to have a friend , the only other boy of my age in the congregation , before he went to Nottingham .
28 Stephen and Claire had become engaged before he went to Newcastle , but the engagement was short-lived .
29 In Vietnam , according to his chaplain , he would always put on a crucifix before he went into battle .
30 Simon had asked Hilary to marry him in the morning before he went into work .
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