Example sentences of "least the [adj] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Woodley said the ballot had already achieved its objection of bringing pressure on the receivers and the Government to sanction immediate payments of at least the minimum state redundancy payoff to the 1,600 workers who have already lost their jobs .
2 For a time , Freames was used for the manufacture of chemicals and later became known as Crystal Fountain Mill , then for the production of shoddy and mattress stuffing up to at least the Second World War .
3 The full extent of the work carried out is not known , but it is thought that at least the outboard wing panels were replaced but certainly it was given four new Merlin 22 engines , H2S and the navigation aid Rebecca , as well as a brand new paint scheme .
4 At least the 6-hour time limit narrows the mind .
5 At least the European Communities Act , if I remember rightly , had been the subject of a debate or two .
6 The wartime Hallé ensemble and intonation are not always of the purest quality , and despite excellent remastering , the mono sound of Baxi 's Third Symphony was never exactly ingratiating , although an amazing amount of detail does register — not least the gleaming anvil stroke in the first movement .
7 It was performance that drew applause from a press corps relieved to be approaching the end of at least the first election campaign this year , and brought smiles to previously glum ministerial faces .
8 The poor or null stabilizing effect of GpU indicated that , as it had been shown for the E.coli rrnB P 1 promoter ( 8 ) , the appearance of a complex stable to heparin challenge requires the formation of at least the first phosphodiester bond .
9 It may be that a variety of non-Northumbrian factors also played a part here — not least the early Viking raids , the likely disruption of shipping routes and Anglo-Frankish trading disputes — but the cessation of minting during Aethelred 's second reign is in such striking contrast to what happened in southern England that essentially it remains a mystery .
10 The income trust will invest in between 60 and 70 UK stocks — mainly blue chip companies like ICI — and will seek to maintain at least the current dividends levels in all but ‘ the worst possible economic circumstances . ’
11 High farce was reached when a union official declared : ‘ Every worker should get at least the average pay rise . ’
12 Not least the Royal de Vere Theatre Company perhaps ?
13 At least the up-to-date cost accountant has plenty of ammunition to fire at the chief executive who insists that accounting has little to do with strategy .
14 Some animals , too , can ‘ see ’ at least the longer wavelength forms of ultraviolet light .
15 Like SuperCalc these are n't pictorial in content , but at least the shadowed button look makes them appear as if you should click then with a mouse — which is more than can be said for either of the other two packages .
16 Though not working now , several of the working parts remain , not least the interesting water wheel which has an iron centre and rim but wooden spokes .
17 A chapter on homebuilt organisations around the world is instructive , not least to learn that whilst amateur-built aircraft have had official blessing ( or at least the blind eye treatment ) in many Eastern Bloc countries for a decade or more , getting approval to fly a homebuilt in Italy and Germany has been a hard-won struggle against obstinate bureaucracy .
18 In short , it appears that temperature/time relationships may not have been unfavourable for hydrocarbon generation and preservations in the Variscan foreland and at least the leading thrust sheet , warranting attention to the availability of source rocks , reservoir rocks , cap rocks , and structures .
19 Frame claims 38% of the world market for desktop publishing under Unix ; nearest rival is Interleaf Inc , and in Japan expects to win at least the same market share , according to senior vice-president Pat House .
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