Example sentences of "appear to [be] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The principal sources of natural oxides of nitrogen appear to be chemical decomposition of nitrates and lightning .
2 Fragments of Norman mouldings in the tower walls appear to be re-used material from an earlier building .
3 And the conclusions appear to be that migration into the county needs to be modified , and secondly , that government policy was then and still is to pursue policies leading to the regeneration of urban areas e around North Yorkshire particularly West Yorkshire er and Cleveland .
4 The dangers appear to be Readingbased Prince Charming ( 41.90 ) and local open racer Breathless ( 41.99 ) , trained by Gordon Rooks .
5 The attractive Harlequin Shrimps ( Hymenocera species ) have showy white blotched with brown or mauve coloration and appear to be ideal aquarium subjects .
6 My own investigation into the organisation of written texts at lower secondary level ( Harris , 1980 ) points to the occurrence of a range of sharply differentiated linguistic features that vary not so much with subject areas but with what appear to be fundamental text types .
7 There is no other forward movement , nor does there appear to be amy prospect for the future . ’
8 Particularly characteristic are what appear to be large courtyard structures , often associated with a detached bath-house ( fig. 4 ) .
9 The reason appearing to be that menarche is weight-triggered and in particular is turned on by er body weight reaching erm a certain proportion I think it 's about eighteen percent of weight erm erm represented by body fat triggers , triggers menarche .
10 Of the two , he was faring worse , panting , gasping , even appearing to be near collapse .
11 What may appear to be one type of soil may have the attachment characteristics of a different layer of soil beneath it in which case the underlying soil dictates the chemical .
12 There would , however , appear to be one question on which there is unanimity of opinion and that is that Japan must be protected as far as possible from Communistic influences and from infiltration from the USSR .
13 There are unquantified provisions in MAFF 's regulations for reducing the number of HLCAs paid where land ( including common land ) is ‘ overgrazed ’ but there does not appear to be one instance of MAFF ( nor of WOAD in Wales ) enforcing this provision .
14 Whether we regard state policies towards small firms as rhetorical gestures or as genuine attempts to protect their existence , there does appear to be renewed interest in preserving a differentiated industrial structure .
15 Dr Stradling says that although snorers may appear to be sleeping sounding , in fact they do n't get enough proper rest .
16 In relation to offences involving personal violence there would appear to be little evidence from the survey to substantiate claims that Merseyside is an exceptionally violent area In relation to household crimes , however , the rate in Merseyside is substantially higher and in the case of burglary three times higher than the national average .
17 Overall he was not a happy man : ‘ There did not appear to be much Christmas spirit about this year .
18 The teaching methods in the full-time courses were centred upon projects which sought to provide a simulated work situation , to integrate what might otherwise appear to be disparate subject areas and to engender in the student independence and originality of thought .
19 While there are problems if cattle and sheep are allowed to overgraze pasture , there would appear to be ample evidence to suggest that grazing cattle and sheep on natural grassland can be beneficial to maintaining an ecological balance .
20 Is collusion indeed ever really ‘ tacit ’ , or is it the case that what may appear to be tacit collusion is actually explicit collusion in which the process of agreement is simply concealed ?
21 Whatever may be the limits of Article 235 , and it has been noted that it gave rise , even before the Community acquired its express environmental competence , to legislation on the conservation of wild birds , examples can be found of the development of what would appear to be new Community policies , without even a reference to Article 235 .
22 My Lords , erm I I think that behind this , there does appear to be some doubt as to the British Transport Police 's position in respect of Rail Track er from the 1st April .
23 In the first period , as we have seen in Figure 12.2 , there does appear to be some degree of relationship between unemployment and the rate of price inflation .
24 There would thus appear to be some scope for policy activism , but , on further inspection , it turns out to be very limited indeed .
25 There does , however , appear to be some confusion among various commentators as to Bukharin 's basic position : some , such as Itoh , place him in the underconsumptionist school , while others place him — correctly — in the disproportionality school ; but the latter , e.g. Sweezy , Mandel , Day , do not always attribute the same meaning to this .
26 With the population due to stabilise at merely twice the current numbers , there would appear to be little cause for concern on a global level .
27 Their own experiences allowed them to take up whatever social reference was needed and if anything the demands of Progressives helped for they allowed age-old traditions of humour to be shaped into what could often appear to be social satire .
28 There would appear to be less need for heavy garments richly embroidered , which necessitate special care and attention .
29 With ‘ non-reminiscers ’ there would appear to be less reason to dwell on the past , and it might be more useful to avoid it unless the counsellor feels that there is a particularly strong reason and purpose for doing so .
30 However , a study of specimens of A. grandis identified by Koehler shows that the ridged ventral arm plates do not appear to be constant feature and that differences in arm spine number are within the normal range found in A. otteri .
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