Example sentences of "appear [prep] the end [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is due to appear towards the end of the year , but in the meantime the two companies have extended their relationship so that Office will be sold through all Novell reseller channels .
2 More urgently , one could be forearmed against the Antichrist , the powerful , personal opponent of Christ who ( as in 1 John 2:18 ) was expected to appear before the end of the world .
3 They accepted it and it was swiftly published , appearing before the end of 1938 .
4 A more detailed list of Japanese expressions appear at the end of this book ( p. 109 ) .
5 Detailed summaries of this study 's findings appear at the end of each chapter .
6 or you could use one or more of the questions that appear at the end of each section of the main text of this booklet .
7 They must consider all new books as well as the old ones , and must therefore hold back enough funds to cover those books which appear at the end of the financial year .
8 These appear at the end of the body of the report and before the appendices and other addenda .
9 That this was an error was explained to the House by Lord Eversley , who then stated that ‘ the case was provided for by words which appear at the end of the clause ’ .
10 A useful starting point is the reference sections appearing at the end of each major entry in The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church already mentioned .
11 Letters regularly occur in certain combinations and positions with , for example , the letter Q always being followed by U , and a number of letters rarely appearing at the end of a word ( e.g. , J V ) .
12 I agree that the appeal should be allowed and that declarations should be made in the terms appearing at the end of the judgment of Glidewell L.J .
13 Sets of papers from the conference are likely to appear at the end of this year .
14 What these differences between the two halves of the brain might be telling us , we had no idea at the time — but some clues will begin to appear by the end of the next chapter .
15 According to Committee secretary Nigel Peace , the finalised version of the report , which had been expected to be issued in October , will not now appear until the end of November at the earliest : this makes the original proposed deadline of 31 December 1992 for compliance with the code too tight for companies to meet .
16 Since typing had taken longer than anticipated the booklet would not appear until the end of December .
17 She did n't see Jack appear at the end of the corridor behind her , or see Mick lift his head and meet the level gaze .
18 And the , this will appear by the end of November , and people will only have after this first council tax demands in March , they 've got to appeal if they think they 're in the wrong band .
19 The guide should now appear around the end of this month .
20 Uncut diamonds do not glitter and gleam like the cut and polished article that appears at the end of the process .
21 It also helps to promote consumer awareness of the industry , and runs a training and safety advisory service , and a general consumer enquiry service ( the phone number appears at the end of this feature ) .
22 ( A list of texts appears at the end of the chapter . )
23 A limited company may register any name it chooses , provided that the word ‘ limited ’ appears at the end of it .
24 It is in accordance with such optimism that Euripides should have turned the suffering hero of earlier tragedy into a dialectician and the transcendental justice of Aeschylus into the " poetic justice " dispensed by the deus ex machina who appears at the end of so many of his plays .
25 When a bright ring of solder appears at the end of the fitting , the joint is made .
26 The message ** PROCESSING COMPLETE ** appears at the end of the file VALIFY.TXT .
27 It 's a very slight change to the recommendation erm Chairman which appears at the end of the report .
28 The items below are included in the check list that appears at the end of this book .
29 A lot of them , like the horned and armoured dinosaurs ( represented by ceratopsians and ankylosaurs ) appeared towards the end of the dinosaur era just when the stegosaurs were passing away .
30 The Prime Minister appeared at the end of the broadcast to warn of further turmoil if the Government 's health and trade union reforms were undone .
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