Example sentences of "appear [prep] [be] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 All of these mosaics appear to be of the fourth century , or the very late third , ( Smith favours a date before 300 for the mosaic from Newton St. Loe : Smith 1969 , 101 ; although some doubts have been expressed recently : Smith 1983 , 326 ) .
2 Although some lectures appear to be for the committed DIY enthusiast such as ‘ Mortar mixing and brick laying ’ , the organiser Steven Parissien , insists that the course is more about ‘ making people aware of which things are structurally disastrous and visually awful . ’
3 Despite an existing voluntary Code of Practice , reproduced in part below , drawn up by the National Farmers ' Union to minimise any nuisance and existing legal controls , complaints appear to be on the increase .
4 It is not simply that cases of public library censorship appear to be on the increase ( although there is no substantial evidence to confirm this ) , but that the question of determining what is and is not censorship can be so time-consuming .
5 But the reality is different ; collapsed scrummages appear to be on the increase , despite the obvious dangers .
6 At this early point in the 1990s , we appear to be on the edge of ‘ something ’ .
7 The Oxford Saints certainly appear to be on the right track .
8 Various factors thus appear to be at the root of the inner city problem , many of them similar in nature to those behind the problems underlying the North-South divide .
9 It must be accepted that although the above findings relate mainly to electrical forces they form part of an interactive system involving also chemical , pressure-volume , gravitational and other environmental factors , and as such they appear to be under the influence of one basic energy field — whatever it might be termed .
10 Stay with that a minute , erm , erm , I mean I would n't have thought we were in a position to give an assurance that er erm , that that no other complaints which appear to be outside the local ombu ombudsman 's restriction will be dealt with by support staff , I mean I should think we 're continuing looking continually looking for ways of dealing with complaints at the most efficient and effective way , and if that
11 With Nigeria , after only just over two years of the new system , it is still too early to be sure , but in general governments at federal and state level appear to be respecting the guarantees of freedom of expression .
12 Travel the roads of Italy , and petrol-engine cars appear to be in the minority .
13 We appear to be in the cosmopolitan city world of the uprooted .
14 What makes it seem real is that you are able to change where you appear to be in the room .
15 From your photograph , the flies appear to be from the family Muscidae , related to the house flies Musca domestica and Fannia canicularis , but the fungus has bloated their abdomens , making precise identification difficult .
16 For example , it may be more important for a government that a public sector pay settlement appear to be within the limits of pay policy , than for it actually to be so .
17 With violence appearing to be on the wane at the moment , he may well be right that the future looks bright .
18 a sick child ( preferably appearing to be from the past , ie. black and white photo/line drawing )
19 They argue that it is easy for someone to appear to be above the age of 17 and say laws should be introduced that place less onus on the newsagent , who may be an innocent victim .
20 Therefore , the typical position where the landlord grants the tenant a rent-free period at the commencement of the term would appear to be outside the scope of VAT , at least for the time being .
21 MacDonald 's rhetoric did not solve the problem identified by the League 's advocates — peace through democracy required a scale of popular revolt that did not appear to be on the agenda in the winter of 1916 .
22 I have found that employers who are registered with the CITB feel that it is unfair if other companies which have set up just down the road do not appear to be on the board 's records .
23 The masters in painting , Reid says , ‘ know how to make the objects appear to be of the same colour by making their picture really of different colours ’ .
24 Now that the very first crops are out of the way , most crops would appear to be over the 6.25/ha ( 2.5t/acre ) mark .
25 Our main European markets would appear to be around the Mediterranean , but with statistics showing that northern European summers are apparently becoming warmer I 've decided to launch our system in the United Kingdom as well . ’
26 The problem would appear to be in the versatility of the driver , not the printer .
27 It may be felt that the better course is not to deal with such matters in the partnership agreement itself but to leave the offer of consultancy to be produced as an inducement to or reward for retirement at such time as may appear to be in the firm 's best interests .
28 The interpretation of this would appear to be within the competence of the state of origin , and it is to be hoped that an interpretation reflecting the realities of the position would always be adopted ; what is important to the defendant is prompt access to the information he needs in order to judge how to respond to the current move by the other party .
29 And , however nonchalant Dunbar appears to be about the future , he is obviously keen to notch up yet another success .
30 The common response to predator attack appears to be for the cetaceans to flee , often silently , having first formed a tight group if they can .
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