Example sentences of "appear [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , strata will later be discovered that appear to fall into the time gap between the two stages .
2 The disk is small and ill-defined with the arms appearing to continue to the middle of the disk .
3 This family is characterised by the disk being ill-defined or constricted with the arms appearing to continue to the centre of the disk in some genera ; the disk may be covered with skin or a dense coating of granules ; the long and narrow radial shields ; the reduced papillae on the jaw with only the apical papillae well developed and the oral papillae small , like enlarged granules ; the genital slits situated vertically on the sides of the disk ; the arms long and covered with skin or granules .
4 On June 18 Shamir continued his efforts to appear committed to the peace process , proposing in an interview with the Egyptian magazine Mayyu to invite President Hafez al-Assad of Syria to visit Jerusalem for peace talks , and declaring his willingness to talk to any " elected Arab representative " from the West Bank or Gaza ( but not Jerusalem ) .
5 Glamis Castle is most famous for its association with Macbeth , and Shakespeare 's hero is said to still bemoan the murder of King Duncan , appearing to walk on the roof , taking a route known as The Mad Earl 's Walk .
6 Two of them do reach results which appear to conflict with the wording , and for which no good reason can be found other than the one they give themselves : that this was the testator 's intention .
7 But all Northern Ireland 's businessmen appear frustrated by the lack of interest from their mainland colleagues .
8 Arrest warrants were issued for two former Central Bank officials implicated in the scandal after they failed to appear to testify before the Senate .
9 Klein provides perhaps the least teleological analysis of the development of a subject , and her examples of adult psychosis may be linked to Hegel 's , and especially Marx 's , models of rupture , since they appear to result from the subject 's belief in the alien nature of some fragmented aspects of the self it has become unable to sublate .
10 The Proverbs of the Old Testament return over and over again to the theme that men should beware women ; the Jewish Talmud says that if you teach the Laws to a woman , you teach her lasciviousness ; the Hindu sage Manu teaches that if women go unrestrained , the result is anarchy ; and the oft-quoted Church Fathers and medieval theologians appear to respond to the idea of the Female with fear and disgust .
11 " In effect governments implement the " small scale " do-able " policies " and so " fulfill most of their pledges " , but the production of promised " economic benefits … appear to lie beyond the reach of either party " .
12 They appear to be quite randomly arranged on the distal portion of the jaw although sometimes they appear to cluster in the region of the second oral tentacle pore .
13 These workers have emphasised that the initial lesion in this model of atherogenesis is the adherence to endothelium of monocytes which then appear to migrate into the subendothelium , accumulate lipid and become lipid-laden macrophages or foam cells .
14 To obtain this information , one measures their geometrical ‘ parallax ’ , the tiny distance by which they appear to move against the background of the farthest stars during the six months that the Earth takes to move to the opposite side of the Sun .
15 The risks are thought to be very small : ( 1 ) because the balance of the natural environment is primarily controlled by the species already present which appear to operate to the detriment of new introductions ; and ( 2 ) because in new releases of microorganisms to date , all very closely monitored , there has been no evidence of any of them getting out of control or adversely affecting the environment .
16 The burden of proving that it was not reasonably practicable would appear to fall on the defendant .
17 A second male said , ‘ Women who start families and continue with families do n't appear to go through the system … a woman has to decide that she 's going to be a career-based woman and not a family-based woman .
18 It was rather a small one and it did n't appear to matter at the time . ’
19 They conform to the same technical rules as ports de bras and must appear to pass through the centre line of the arm from shoulder to finger-tips and move within the two circles drawn by the elbows and hands .
20 In reading Greenblatt it can too often seem that discussions of such selective parts of a play may appear to stand for the whole .
21 The needs of individuals would appear to conflict with the emphasis on the family .
22 The arms do not appear to extend to the middle of the disk as in Asteroschema inornatum .
23 Emphasizing the role of competition between firms in raising real wages may appear to fly in the face of the everyday reality of pay negotiations .
24 Grants are available for a wide range of capital investments and the rates do not appear to vary with the type of investment but with the nature of the production system ( average rates of 22.4% for milk cows , 28.3% for beef cows and 31.2% for sheep units in the Auvergne ) and the LFA zone ( 34.0% in the ‘ montagne ’ and ‘ piedmont ’ ; 28.5% in the ‘ hors montagne ’ and 21. 1 % outside the LFA ) .
25 The acceptance rate among potential volunteers would appear to vary around the country .
26 If they succeed without merit , the fault would appear to lie with the way the appeal system is operating rather than in regulation 72 as it is currently worded . ’
27 A greater source of social frustration would appear to lie in the ossification of social mobility .
28 This would appear to depend upon the age of the trespasser .
29 It happens to be the case that we can not , in our language , refer to the sensible properties of a thing without introducing a word or phrase which appears to stand for the thing itself as opposed to anything which may be said about it .
30 In harbour the rig is usually opened out to its full water width of six metres , and the four independently suspended wheels can be retracted into the main hull , so that it appears to squat on the ground .
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