Example sentences of "able [to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Since the majority of them were neither party members , nor teachers or agronomists , they represented a valuable addition to the ranks of those who might be able to promote smychka in the countryside .
2 His brother , who succeeded him as the Emperor Leopold II , was able to restore peace in the disturbed areas only by a skilful mixture of force and concessions .
3 while Labour under Clement Attlee was able to wield influence in the coalition government .
4 The network will be able to transmit information about the movements of aircraft throughout Europe , providing a central overview of air traffic conditions not previously available .
5 Now we pray for those who are not able to enjoy life to the full , through sickness , and we remember Winifred Andrews , Rob Dellar , Jack Bennett and Louis Muggleton … and keep silence as we bring other friends and relatives to your throne .
6 Gandhi 's implicit suggestion here is that it had yet to support non-violence for , as he says , bishops still felt able to support slaughter in the name of Christianity .
7 But as no one shareholder had control to sell , the Government was able to acquire control of the company 's assets for a fraction of their true value ( and for a fraction of what it would have had to pay on a take-over bid ) .
8 If it is a cancellation at very short notice and the hotel is unable to re-let the accommodation , particularly in the case of resort hotels whose reservations are taken well in advance , the hotel may then be able to claim compensation for the loss of business .
9 The tenant may then undertake the alterations , in full knowledge that he or she will be able to claim compensation for the improvements made when the tenancy ends .
10 A married man living with his wife may also be able to claim part of the married couple 's allowance .
11 If he is able to claim privilege for the document , a copy may be admitted instead of the original .
12 While copyright cases have been won on the grounds that manuals , and other documents that go with software , have been copied , no one has yet been able to claim copyright on the syntax of a computer language .
13 It seems unreasonable that with respect to the United States Nicaragua was able to claim invalidity of the 1914 treaty and not be liable for non-performance .
14 The interesting point is that the Greeks were certainly able to see Merope with the naked eye , whereas today this is virtually impossible .
15 Now at last , after five Swans LPs and two previous Skin outings , he 's able to see relief beyond the masochistic joy he takes from brutality , violence and neglect .
16 Now at last , after five Swans LPs and two previous Skin outings , he 's able to see relief beyond the masochistic joy he takes from brutality , violence and neglect .
17 If , however , the market is able to absorb information about the risks attached to future cash flows from other sources , for example the work of financial analysts , then the role of qualification is marginalised to that of informing unsophisticated investors about risks , the knowledge of which has , unbeknown to them , already been built into the pricing of their securities , but which might possibly cause them to consider whether they should diversify their portfolio or change its composition .
18 The Faculty is able to provide supervision for the M.Phil .
19 The local authority may also be able to provide literature on the subject if your Home is run by one .
20 Accommodation may be offered even if there is a person with parental responsibility able to provide accommodation for the child .
21 Rule-based methods offer some method of combining the two together — the grammar is able to provide information to the semantic analysis .
22 Three agencies-the Drugs Council , the Detoxification Unit , and GPs-were able to provide information about the frequency and duration of heroin use , the quantities used , and the route of administration ( method of use ) .
23 Andy Currier was eventually able to provide consolation at the other end , but departed for the sin-bin 30 seconds later after a foul on Bob Jackson , accompanied by Paul Hulme , who questioned the referee 's decision too vehemently .
24 The Taillefer brothers were still able to find support within the Angoumois , notably from the lords of Archiac and Chalais .
25 The effect of a new settlement south east of York would be to increase those levels so that people with from Greater York , would find would not be able to find accommodation within the new settlement and therefore the total housing requirement of Greater York would be increased and housing needs would not be met .
26 Laocoon suffers ; but he suffers like Sophocles ' Philoctetes ; his misery pierces us to the soul ; but we should like to be able to bear anguish in the manner of this great man .
27 Eventually , the Tory ministry elected after 1710 was able to secure peace with the Treaty of Utrecht of 1713 .
28 If future technological societies ever learn to harness tachyons and modulate them ( in the same way that we modulate radio waves ) they will be able to communicate information from the future to the past .
29 Miss Mason , the Assistant Inspector responsible for children boarded out under the auspices of the Poor Law during the late 1880s , was not in favour of working class women sitting on local , voluntary boarding-out committees because they would not be able to pass comment on the homes of their social equals .
30 They were also able to establish control over the Social Accounting Service , which is the official body through which all enterprises have to make their bank payments , and which has the specific responsibility of checking on the validity of bills of exchange .
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