Example sentences of "able [verb] [adv] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 circular DNA molecules able to replicate independently of the chromosome in microorganisms .
2 Charles said he was fine and he was able to see out of the window , although it was remarkably small .
3 It 's a high seat , so a small child is able to see out of the window , and the ‘ recline ’ control is easily reached .
4 The safety factor was also important as older people were not so able to jump out of the way of stock or swinging gates .
5 Richmann stood his ground , certain he would be able to jump out of the .
6 She 'd reassure him over and over that she was fine , she was safe , there was nothing for him to worry about , and Ashdown would then ring Joe and pass along anything new or helpful that he 'd been able to pick out of the conversation .
7 I want to be able to look out of the window and see other people .
8 This one meant either a crawl on my belly beneath a boulder , hoping to be able to escape out of the hole on the other side , or a wide sloping ledge on the right .
9 The argument was on the semantics of how post-sixteen education is presently offered in Banbury , and whereas , of course , they had every right to use the opting out legislation as a governing body , it must be said that the possibility of success under those terms erm is somewhat untried , because of course legislation was specifically geared at Local Education Authorities that do not look after their schools , and thus schools are able to opt out of a badly run , inefficient Education Authority , and we 've seen that happen in many of the urban areas in the country , and indeed some schools have not opted for that .
10 You come here to offer me your undying devotion while you have an entanglement with the lady whom we do n't seem to be able to keep out of the conversation . ’
11 Just to satisfy herself that he understood how it was he was able to build out of the vertical , the teacher asked if he could make a bent tower with wooden building blocks .
12 In this way those candidates who recognise that they are unsuitable are able to drop out of the process early on .
13 With this in mind , one must be concerned with how fans gain admission to the Rowdies group , how they are able to progress socially within the group , and with how they are able to graduate out of the group .
14 Being a combination of social worker , medical auxiliary , and teacher to these miners and their families meant that he was able to break out of the prison of his hateful loneliness .
15 It is only through my imaginative shuffling of the aces that we are able to stay ahead of the pack .
16 Yellow looks like being this year 's colour — the banana does not seem to be able to stay out of the headlines .
17 The townsfolk of Kirkbymoorside realised that while the snow lasted , the farm-wives would be unable to reach the market with their produce so Annie and Elizabeth were secure in the knowledge that whenever they were able to get out of the valley , their customers would be waiting .
18 It was a nice morning and it was good to be able to get out of the barracks and just run ; it became immediately apparent that there were some who were fitter than others , and the Corporals ran at the back encouraging the slow ones .
19 Er , and all in all , it was quite er it 's quite it was quite an experience , er er to have seen er this this er this police er er baton charge , er and er we were fortunate enough in in being able to get out of the way .
20 Once we got to Heathrow airport I was able to get out of the car and stretch my legs as on travelling down to London I had fallen asleep with my knees on the floor and my head on the seat .
21 My Lord er in paragraph three fourteen of the statement of claim there is an important fact er which is a fact that is admitted by the defendant which is this that had the defendant on the plaintiff 's behalf taken the opportunity which was open to the plaintiff by virtue of national condition twenty two which should say and served a special notice to complete upon the vendors on about the eighteenth or the twenty second of October , the contract would in fact have been rescinded on the thirteenth or the nineteenth of November nineteen eighty five and the plaintiff would therefore have been able to get out of the contract and that , as I say , is admitted in the amended dissent .
22 An even more tragic fate befell many who , amid the crazed stampede , were able to get out of the fort .
23 You 'll be able to get out of the car know darling , instead of climbing into the hedge wo n't you ? .
24 As to the artists themselves , they will be able to take out of the country an unlimited number of their works unless , of course , they are considered to be an integral part of the national heritage .
25 Many Libyans especially in the smaller towns had been able to move out of the path of oncoming measures of social justice : many would not have been affected in any case ; some had no doubt been caught .
26 All the same , she felt relieved when , just before five , they finally returned to the villa again and she was able to step out of the boat on to dry land .
27 Just as the inhabitants of the barrios here defend their pathetic shanties to the last , defying the well-meaning efforts of the authorities to relocate them , so the poor in intellect cling to whatever feeble idea they have been able to fashion out of the odds and ends they have foraged .
28 The fact that consciousness is able to operate independently of the physical vehicle has been proved throughout vast research , and that an ‘ interconnectiveness ’ exists between mind and matter was brought clearly into focus in a study prepared for the House of Representatives Science and Technology Commission in the United States , back in 1981 .
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